Can i skip the "noob island" in NF and go straight to the "proper" mission?

wonder warrior

Academy Page

Join Date: May 2006




hey, my question is can i skip the "noob island" in NF and go straight to the "proper" mission? i have lots of level 20s who have completed factions and prophocies, yet i find myself STILL having to run around killing all the level 10s in order to get to the "main" island. if sum1 could tell me if i can and tell me how i can do it i would be very gratful coz killing lvl 10 corsairs is really really getting to me

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



Buddy just follow the primary quests, you shouldnt have to do lots, if i remember correctly i did 3 quests then the docks mission and i was at main island.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006

Away from you.


Originally Posted by Xenex Xclame
Buddy just follow the primary quests, you shouldnt have to do lots, if i remember correctly i did 3 quests then the docks mission and i was at main island.
There's a LOT more than "3 quests"
It would help to be just a level 16+ to leave noob island, but if you're lucky enough to get a ferry+group to take you along for the mission, I'm sure it's possible. you'll just be a two-hit-dead target to the kournans on the Consulate mission, but it can be done i'm sure.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005

Urmston, Manchester, UK

Greener Pastures [DVDF]


He never said it was on a Nightfall char, xenex is referring to a char ported from Factions or Proph.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Thanks to all the guru [mods]

so yes there is about 3 main quests..then docks mission ive dun it about 6 times SO DAMN BORING


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


I brought my Ritualist (lvl 16 then) from Cantha to Tyria first (one of the easier transfer quests), then to Kamadan by doing the Sunspears in Kryta quest.

I was still lvl 16 when I arrived in Kamadan. From there I did the following:

-met my heroes outside Kamadan (Koss, Melonni, Dunky, Tahl etc., varied levels between 2 and 5). Zoned back to Kamadan, where the heroes instantly leveled up to lvl 15 and I found I had upgraded, customized weapons in my inventory for them)

-Completed Hero command training.

-Talked with Puuba to complete the mini mission with the corsairs.

-started/completed mini mission (lvled to 17 here)

-rallied the sunspears (which starts the quest "time is Nigh"

-ferried ppl to docks for tips

-did docks mission

-arrived in Rilohn Refuge at lvl 18.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Dec 2005

Mystical Chaos


Foreign characters can skip most of the island and just do the three or four primaries in order to access the mission to get you to the mainland.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jul 2005

Charter Vanguard [CV]


At least now you're stuck with lvl 15 Heroes to grind with... my ranger's Koss is still a ripe old lvl 2