16 Jan 2007 at 20:32 - 6
I brought my Ritualist (lvl 16 then) from Cantha to Tyria first (one of the easier transfer quests), then to Kamadan by doing the Sunspears in Kryta quest.
I was still lvl 16 when I arrived in Kamadan. From there I did the following:
-met my heroes outside Kamadan (Koss, Melonni, Dunky, Tahl etc., varied levels between 2 and 5). Zoned back to Kamadan, where the heroes instantly leveled up to lvl 15 and I found I had upgraded, customized weapons in my inventory for them)
-Completed Hero command training.
-Talked with Puuba to complete the mini mission with the corsairs.
-started/completed mini mission (lvled to 17 here)
-rallied the sunspears (which starts the quest "time is Nigh"
-ferried ppl to docks for tips
-did docks mission
-arrived in Rilohn Refuge at lvl 18.