Here are a few suggestions that could help ArenaNet increase their income. Even if they aren't nearly close to having any financial trouble, the extra money could always help them create more freebie content and extra features that the community asks for. My apologies if these ideas have been suggested before, my search did not return any results (it could be that I'm just bad at searching

1. Add a donation button to the in-game store. You could donate any amount you'd like to them. Obviously, you wouldn't get anything in return other than to feel you've helped them make the game better.
2. Add a monthly subscription option ($5/month) with nothing in return. Sure, sounds crazy to pay $5 and get absolutely nothing in return for it, but I'm sure some people wouldn't mind spending the extra $5 just for the sake of helping ArenaNet.
Note that no one would be forced to pay this fee, and there would be absolutely no distinction between the people that pay, and the people that don't. Both would get the exact same content and features. Also, there'd be no in-game way to tell if a player pays the fee or not.
3. Add a monthly subscription option ($5/month) that'd give the user two out-of-game features:
- An e-mail redirection in the format: [email protected]
- An URL redirection in the format: or
They could also have these services with guild names instead of character, but that might create a few awkward situations, and a way to scam people out of actual money.
The compromise on ArenaNet's part is that they'd use this extra money to provide enhancements to the current game (new zones/missions/quests/features and skill balances) or for the development of the next chapter. The downside is that there's no way to know if they'd really be doing that, we'd just have to trust them. Well, at very least they'd get some money for a few extra pizzas.
Also, since neither of the above options are a reliable source of income, they wouldn't give us anything that's recurring, such as better support or in-game game masters. It'd be all one-time additions that they could manage to create with the money they have received.
Any comments, additions, suggestions and/or flames are appreciated.