Possible problem with global titles
As most of the forum visitors know, Anet will soon introduce campaign individual elite skill titles.
I'm still very much in favour of the "elite skill capping title" split for the campaigns, but there's something I've been wondering myself:
What about the people who own only the Nightfall campaign? They will never be able to get the max title for their chapter or their chapter's skill capping as they would need to get all the Ritualist and Assassin elites as well. As far as I know you can't create a ritualist or an assassin in the Nightfall campaign, so how is this going to work?
I guess this is also a bit of a question towards Gaile Gray. Has this been taken into consideration? I haven't seen this posted anywhere, but if this is already an old discussion; my apologies.
I'm still very much in favour of the "elite skill capping title" split for the campaigns, but there's something I've been wondering myself:
What about the people who own only the Nightfall campaign? They will never be able to get the max title for their chapter or their chapter's skill capping as they would need to get all the Ritualist and Assassin elites as well. As far as I know you can't create a ritualist or an assassin in the Nightfall campaign, so how is this going to work?
I guess this is also a bit of a question towards Gaile Gray. Has this been taken into consideration? I haven't seen this posted anywhere, but if this is already an old discussion; my apologies.
Are you aware there is more than one title in the game? They don't... NOONE has to have that one title "OMG I MUST HAVE THAT ONE."
Good question. Does anyone know if you can switch to ritualist secondary (in nightfall) if you don't own factions? If so then this would alleviate the problem.
Free Runner
Originally Posted by CagedinSanity
Are you aware there is more than one title in the game? They don't... NOONE has to have that one title "OMG I MUST HAVE THAT ONE."
An interesting point brought up by the OP though...i wonder how they will get around it? as far as i know you cannot change secondary professions without that professions supporting chapter.
Originally Posted by CagedinSanity
Are you aware there is more than one title in the game? They don't... NOONE has to have that one title "OMG I MUST HAVE THAT ONE."
Originally Posted by winkgood
Good question. Does anyone know if you can switch to ritualist secondary (in nightfall) if you don't own factions? If so then this would alleviate the problem.
Bryant Again
Well there's your incentive to buy all the campaigns. Bang bang! Moneymoneymoney!
But that is a VERY good point. I'm suprised we've all ignored that until now...
But that is a VERY good point. I'm suprised we've all ignored that until now...
Originally Posted by lennymon
Yes, you can. A guildy did before getting factions in order to begin unlocking skills for Razah.

What about the core titles then? Will they be excluded or will they count as three (one to each campaign title)?
What about the core titles then? Will they be excluded or will they count as three (one to each campaign title)?
Titan Chrae
Short answer: I'm told you don't have to own Factions to switch secondaries in NF to Assassin or Ritualist (It would be difficult to get skills for your heros otherwise.) Keeping that in mind, here is my theory on how Global Titles will work:
If you have maxed each chapter title then you get a Global Title.
For example I have Protector Title in all three chapters.
I'll get a global protector title UNTIL the next chapter comes out. Then I will have to get the Protector of Chapter X to regain the Global Protector Title. I'll still retain any chapter specific titles I have earned.
Grandmaster Cartographer titles should work similarly to Protector titles.
In my case I would have Grandmaster Cartographer of Tyria title for Prophecies and Grandmaster Cartographer of Cantha for Factions. I Suspect I will keep my Master Cartographer title for Elona and once I have mapped all of Elona I would advance to the Grandmaster Cartographer. Having all three titles at that point would earn a Global Cartographer Title until the next Chapter is released.
Using my Skill Hunter Title as an example:
I have 255 skills capped: Skill Hunter (4)
Max Skill Hunter is currently 290 skills: Skill Hunter (5)
Since I only have the Skill Hunter (4) title now. Under the new system I should see this split out into specific chapters. I have all the Prophecies Elites and all the Factions Elites, therefore, I should gain two new titles... one for each of those campaigns. I would lose my Skill Hunter (4) title.
If I gain the other 35 Elites in NF I would gain Skill Hunter title for Nightfall and a Global Skill Hunter Title for having capped all currently available Elites in the game.
Core Skills would count towards any chapter specific title and thus toward the Global Title. They could be capped in any chapter you own and would not have to be capped separately in other chapters. (They don't have to be capped separately now. Why would that change?)
There is a another alternative to taking away a Global title upon new chapter release. Global Titles could be tiered. If you have a max title for one chapter you gain the global title and it is advanced a rank for each max title you get in subsequent (or previos) chapters. This is probably the better method but, for some reason, I think the first method described is how it will be implemented.
ANET is trying to boost sales. Implementing a Global Title is a good business move. Titles are a big incentive for some folks that like closure. In the end, how much is that title worth to you if you have 2 of 3 chapters and were waivering on the decision to get the other chapter? This type of title system may be just the nudge you need to fork out another $50.
If you have maxed each chapter title then you get a Global Title.
For example I have Protector Title in all three chapters.
I'll get a global protector title UNTIL the next chapter comes out. Then I will have to get the Protector of Chapter X to regain the Global Protector Title. I'll still retain any chapter specific titles I have earned.
Grandmaster Cartographer titles should work similarly to Protector titles.
In my case I would have Grandmaster Cartographer of Tyria title for Prophecies and Grandmaster Cartographer of Cantha for Factions. I Suspect I will keep my Master Cartographer title for Elona and once I have mapped all of Elona I would advance to the Grandmaster Cartographer. Having all three titles at that point would earn a Global Cartographer Title until the next Chapter is released.
Using my Skill Hunter Title as an example:
I have 255 skills capped: Skill Hunter (4)
Max Skill Hunter is currently 290 skills: Skill Hunter (5)
Since I only have the Skill Hunter (4) title now. Under the new system I should see this split out into specific chapters. I have all the Prophecies Elites and all the Factions Elites, therefore, I should gain two new titles... one for each of those campaigns. I would lose my Skill Hunter (4) title.
If I gain the other 35 Elites in NF I would gain Skill Hunter title for Nightfall and a Global Skill Hunter Title for having capped all currently available Elites in the game.
Core Skills would count towards any chapter specific title and thus toward the Global Title. They could be capped in any chapter you own and would not have to be capped separately in other chapters. (They don't have to be capped separately now. Why would that change?)
There is a another alternative to taking away a Global title upon new chapter release. Global Titles could be tiered. If you have a max title for one chapter you gain the global title and it is advanced a rank for each max title you get in subsequent (or previos) chapters. This is probably the better method but, for some reason, I think the first method described is how it will be implemented.
ANET is trying to boost sales. Implementing a Global Title is a good business move. Titles are a big incentive for some folks that like closure. In the end, how much is that title worth to you if you have 2 of 3 chapters and were waivering on the decision to get the other chapter? This type of title system may be just the nudge you need to fork out another $50.
I Phoenix I
Global Titles seem nice. Might be the incentive for me to do more PvE, as it would mean easier KoaBD.
I think it would be freaking awesome to see someone with a KoBD title @ level 1 in pre-searing.
Savior of the Kurzicks
Savior of the Luxons
1337 Skillz
Yeah, it would be ridiculously impossible to get those (especially Luxon / Kurzick) but still. If you see someone with a KoBD wandering around Pre-Searing, you'll probably go "wow"
Savior of the Kurzicks
Savior of the Luxons
1337 Skillz
Yeah, it would be ridiculously impossible to get those (especially Luxon / Kurzick) but still. If you see someone with a KoBD wandering around Pre-Searing, you'll probably go "wow"
Originally Posted by Nickhimself
I think it would be freaking awesome to see someone with a KoBD title @ level 1 in pre-searing.
Savior of the Kurzicks Savior of the Luxons Golden Hated 1337 Skillz Yeah, it would be ridiculously impossible to get those (especially Luxon / Kurzick) but still. If you see someone with a KoBD wandering around Pre-Searing, you'll probably go "wow" |
But you *can* get:
Incorrigible Ale-Hound
Legendary Defender of Ascalon
Legendary Survivor
...in presearing.
+ 2 PvP titles.
Although I wonder if human beings masochistic enough to do that exist...
I'm pretty sure you can't cap rit/as elites without factions, and if you can, somebody enlighten me. It doesn't show up at temple of balthazar or any prof changer for me.
Originally Posted by unienaule
I'm pretty sure you can't cap rit/as elites without factions, and if you can, somebody enlighten me. It doesn't show up at temple of balthazar or any prof changer for me.
I tried to change my warriors secondary to assassin to cap shadow prison and couldn't do it untill i bought factions. So i don't think you can go assassin or rit secondary unless you have factions.
Originally Posted by CagedinSanity
Are you aware there is more than one title in the game? They don't... NOONE has to have that one title "OMG I MUST HAVE THAT ONE."
PS. Im against splitting the title, and heres a perfect reason why it wont solve anything.
Originally Posted by Alleji
Golden and Hated are impossible currently. We didn't have enough boardwalk time to get either.
But you *can* get: Incorrigible Ale-Hound Legendary Defender of Ascalon Legendary Survivor ...in presearing. + 2 PvP titles. Although I wonder if human beings masochistic enough to do that exist... |
Alehound, survivor, savior, savior, 1337 skills...
Jeremy Untouchable
KoBD in pre would be sick.
Bryant Again
On topic...
So we cannot change secondary professions to the campaign specific professions until we have purchased said campaign...True?
If so, how can we earn the titles if you don't own the specific campaigns?
So we cannot change secondary professions to the campaign specific professions until we have purchased said campaign...True?
If so, how can we earn the titles if you don't own the specific campaigns?
Its possible that I may have the timeline wrong, that you can't become secondary rit or sin without Factions. I remember he had either JUST bought factions, or hadnt bought it yet... I guess its a critical difference. heh. I'll ask tonight when I see him.
As far as how to earn skill hunter titles, I'd say not every title is attainable or desireable for every person. I think in general it's safe to say the serious skill hunter either already has all chapers or will get them to pursue the titles.
As far as how to earn skill hunter titles, I'd say not every title is attainable or desireable for every person. I think in general it's safe to say the serious skill hunter either already has all chapers or will get them to pursue the titles.
It is indeed a tricky situation. They could maybe filter it based on which campaigns you own, and max the title when you've gotten all the skill caps for that specific campaign.
For example. You have Nightfall, but you do not have Factions. You have captured all possible elites for the core professions and the Nightfall professions. Even though there are elites for Factions professions, you do not have access to those, therefore the title is as complete as is possible for you and it maxes. If you were to purchase Factions, the title would be reopened until you capped all of the Factions elites found in Nightfall.
For example. You have Nightfall, but you do not have Factions. You have captured all possible elites for the core professions and the Nightfall professions. Even though there are elites for Factions professions, you do not have access to those, therefore the title is as complete as is possible for you and it maxes. If you were to purchase Factions, the title would be reopened until you capped all of the Factions elites found in Nightfall.
Originally Posted by CagedinSanity
Are you aware there is more than one title in the game? They don't... NOONE has to have that one title "OMG I MUST HAVE THAT ONE."
That does pose quite a problem, and that is a very good find on your part. Hopefully we can get an answer for that (for those who don't own all the campaigns).
ok, I checked with the guildy in question, he WAS able to change secondary prior to owning factions, but only on a pvp character and only able the use nightfall rit and sin skills. apparently there is a mismatch in ability to unlock the classes even though there are unlockable skills in pve. In short all of the sin and Rt elites are uncappable unless you own Factions, they can be unlocked, just not capped precluding any title. Presumably this would be corrected when skill titles become chapter specific.
Originally Posted by CyberMesh0
It is indeed a tricky situation. They could maybe filter it based on which campaigns you own, and max the title when you've gotten all the skill caps for that specific campaign.
For example. You have Nightfall, but you do not have Factions. You have captured all possible elites for the core professions and the Nightfall professions. Even though there are elites for Factions professions, you do not have access to those, therefore the title is as complete as is possible for you and it maxes. If you were to purchase Factions, the title would be reopened until you capped all of the Factions elites found in Nightfall. |
Originally Posted by I Phoenix I
Global Titles seem nice. Might be the incentive for me to do more PvE, as it would mean easier KoaBD.
Blame the Monks
Originally Posted by PyrAnkh
They prolly do, but you CANNOT get legendary survivor and defender on the same character.
Alehound, survivor, savior, savior, 1337 skills... |