Guild wars account


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007



Hi i have a problem

I own Nightfall, and now i bought from friend Factions and Prophecies, and i would like to know procedure of inputing keys on my existing account.
When i go in GW, and add new key to existing user, it says Key is in use...

Does he have to do something with his account he used before, or anything..

anyone HELP :P

I Phoenix I

I Phoenix I

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007

The Elite Lords of Chaos [LoC]

R/ shouldn't have posted that...because you're not allowed to buy accounts from people other than ANet and authorized sellers of Guild Wars. You just broke the UA.


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Oct 2005

If you created a new account with the nightfall key then you won't be able to merge that with your friend's prophecies/factions account. You would have had to add the nightfall key to his existing account.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007



so how can i now make things right???

I Phoenix I

I Phoenix I

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007

The Elite Lords of Chaos [LoC]


You can't. That's why you don't buy used accounts.




Join Date: Oct 2005

Ogmios Graybeards


I know! Uninstall ALL of it! Then read the End User Liscense Aggreement and learn that you'll probably get banned anyway!

I Phoenix I

I Phoenix I

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jan 2007

The Elite Lords of Chaos [LoC]


Originally Posted by KANE OG
I know! Uninstall ALL of it! Then read the End User Liscense Aggreement and learn that you'll probably get banned anyway!
Good job being positive . But might get banned if someone from ANet found out about this. Next time, actually read the EULA before you buy accounts from others...


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Once a key is used to create an account, it's no longer transferrable.

You can only use those accounts with the username/password your friend used, which means you'll also get all of the unlocks and items or characters which might have been left behind, including the global titles.

But you cannot merge that account with yours.

And yes, it is indeed against EULA, since trading keys is a scam-prone activity.


Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006


he didint bought account in game
he payed normal real life money coz friend didnt like the game ( so he got all boxed, cds, etc )
thats suposed to be legal


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005



It is legal to buy from a shop, it is not legal to transfer that account to another person (legal in EULA sense).

Once you've created an account it cannot be 'merged' with another account nor can the key be used again.

As it stands right now you have 1 NF account and 1 proph and factions account, there is no current way to make them into one account.

Xenex Xclame

Xenex Xclame

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2006



You guys do realize the reason you are not allowed to buy a used account is to protect the buyer right?Its not so Anet can ban them cause they want.

He bought it from a friend so its not likely the friend is gonna "scam" him.
Anets rule makes it that this person can not expect support from them.

To OP , you wont be able to merge the accounts, that final.However ill give you some advice if you have another friend that would like to play GW,sell the second account to him, now dont be mean, give him everything he needs, the boxes the books the key card, the email and log in ( tell him to change it when he logs in)

Then you go to the store and buy new copies of GWP and GWF ( you can get great deals on them currently) and add them to your account ( you log into your current account and click you have a new key)

There everyone happy and GW has one more player playing it and you probably have a happy friend playing Guildwars



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006


Spirit of Elisha


Originally Posted by Xenex Xclame
You guys do realize the reason you are not allowed to buy a used account is to protect the buyer right?Its not so Anet can ban them cause they want.

He bought it from a friend so its not likely the friend is gonna "scam" him.
Anets rule makes it that this person can not expect support from them.

To OP , you wont be able to merge the accounts, that final.However ill give you some advice if you have another friend that would like to play GW,sell the second account to him, now dont be mean, give him everything he needs, the boxes the books the key card, the email and log in ( tell him to change it when he logs in)

Then you go to the store and buy new copies of GWP and GWF ( you can get great deals on them currently) and add them to your account ( you log into your current account and click you have a new key)

There everyone happy and GW has one more player playing it and you probably have a happy friend playing Guildwars
Wow! Finally an excellent answer to the poster's question. Thx Xenex for posting a nice solution instead of the typical "you shouldn't violate EULA, you idiot!!" answers.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


or if it was me...and i since i am cheap :P i would probably buy another NF key and add it the the prophecies/factions account and sell the other NF key to a friend (or just keep it as a spare/smurf account).....but thats just me :P




Join Date: May 2005


Question has basically been answered. and before this degenerates further into a discussion about what's legal or not..

Thread closed.