What all can I do with my Guild?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Primus Triarii Legion


I have a guild, but I am not sure of all the stuff I can do with it. Some major things I would like answered are...
- What all can I buy?
- What all can I do PvP and GvG wise?
- What is an alliance, how do I get one, where do I get one, can I have more than one, and what can I do with them?
- Any special perks for owning/being in a Guild?
- Anything else you can think of.

Thank you.



The Greatest

Join Date: Feb 2006


In a guild you can buy a Guild Hall, which is where you go to GvG, AB, or just lounge. In the guild hall you can buy different NPCs from your Guild Lord just as Merchant, Priest of Balthazar, etc.

GvG is guild exclusive, no other PvP requires a guild, but guild groups are better then PUGs.

An alliance is a group of guilds (Max 10) that can visit eachothers guild halls and, use alliance chat, and you can get kurzick/luxon faction for your alliance. I don't know exactly how to get an alliance tbh. You can only have one alliance.

Well, being in a guild lets you make new friends and play in organised groups.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Primus Triarii Legion


Ok, a couple questions about what you said...
- What is AB?
- You said, "An alliance is a group of guilds (Max 10)", but then you said, "You can only have one alliance." I may be reading something wrong, but that seems contradictory.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005


game manual ftw...



Site Contributor

Join Date: Oct 2006


Runners of the Rose [RR]


Guildwiki.org ftw....

An alliance is a group of guilds who have banded together for whatever reason. You can have 10 guilds in one single alliance, and you can't belong to two alliances at the same time (meaning you can't be in two different alliance groups simultaneously).
Kind of like a single person can become part of a guild, but they can't be in two guilds at the same time.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Primus Triarii Legion


Ok, thanks Perynne.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


Charter Vanguard


Originally Posted by Scuba_Shneve
- What is AB?
AB = Alliance Battle. Once you have a guild, you can choose a faction; Luxon or Kurzick. Your guildies will be able to play the side you choose, which means they will gain faction from that side according to the number of battles they take part in.