Guild Halls / "Private" games? / # of players ?


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Im getting a new comp in a couple of weeks and iv been playing D2 for awhile now, my friend owns GW ch1, and i like the look of it, so im planning on getting 2 of the 3 chapters, the first one (mainly because of suggestions on this site) and the 3rd one cause its the newest looks cool.

How do the "guild Halls" work, they sound very interesting.

Is there many users that play GW, like close to that of WoW.
And i heard that you have to make ur own private games is this true.

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Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


Information on Guild Wars can be found at

That site covers everything to do with all chapters of the game, including the basic concepts.

While we don't have the units sold numbers to match WoW yet, the game population is constantly growing - reached 3m in Dec.

Two things to remember:

1. Don't use your everyday email address to create the account. Do use a complicated password. Both of which help prevent account theft.

2. To link your two chapters together (so your characters can travel back and forth between them) DO NOT install the second chapter. Just go to the login screen of the first chapter and click on the "Create Account or Add Access Key" bar and enter your 2nd chapter access key. That will give you the second chapter without needing to install it.

Welcome to Guild Wars.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


I agree would be the best place to look for info (other than here :P) Also I agree on the email and password thing. Guild Halls are just meeting places for guilds, also its where GvG (guild vs guild pvp) can take place as well as scrimages and Alliance Battles.

Play thru chapter 1 least until u hit lvl 20 then hop of to Nightfall...chapter 1 offers free skills with quests where as the other chapters u have to buy all your skills.

Welcome :P


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Thx for the welcome, so i dont need to instal other chapters only 1 then do the code thingy, saves some space.

Ill check out the wiki page for gw now.

Arya Nibelrund

Arya Nibelrund


Join Date: Aug 2005

Farming Zaishen [keYs]


Exact, you can install only 1 chapter and the game runs.
There are more than enough players (2 million copies sold), and you have your own private instances yes.


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Mar 2005

A little chalet outside Drok's

Natural Born Killaz

You don't make your own private games. GW does it automatically for you. In any town, your in a public area where everyone can come and go. When you enter an explorable area or a mission, your party is put into its own instance area. Your party is the only group of Players there.