Might sound like a stupid question... but does that Legendary Defender of Ascalon title that I've heard about count toward the King of a Big Deal title?
Furthermore, for an even stupider question:
Do you lose the title if you leave Pre-Searing Ascalon and pass the searing?
I've only really looked into it today... and I'm rather disappointed that there is no equivalent for Factions characters since I make almost all my characters in Factions, and of course my main character who I'm aiming for just about all titles simultaneously with is an Assassin (factions, obviously)... but I'm considering making a new Prophecies character and aiming for this title... and if it counts as a max title then I might try for the KoaBD with two characters via different means.
Defender of Ascalon = Max Title?
Just Another Dude
According to Guildwiki.org, you do keep the title when you leave pre-searing after you've recieved it, so based on that, I'd assume that it does count toward the Big Deal one... but I don't have it, so I can't be totally sure...
It does count towards KOABD. And seeing you can't get both Legendary Defender and Legendary Survivor, this title isn't worth getting just for KOABD, seeing it's probably the most time consuming of all. If you want another point for KOABD on a new character, go for LS, which can be obtained in several days (got mine in 3).
No, you can't get both Legendary Survivor and Legendary Defender of Ascalon, it's been talked about to death here, go argue in that thread.
u want us to argue?hehee
It does go towards KOABD, but seriously, there are way easier and less time (and power) conusming titles to max.
Legendary Survivor?
Are you having a laugh?
Legendary Defender of Ascalon would be a walk in the park to me compared to getting even the first level of Survivor. That is one title tree I will never begin to climb.
Just to clarify something first: 95% of my play-time is with one character... my Assassin. I have entirely accepted dying as a completely normal aspect of Guild Wars life. To play through without dying even to the first level of survivor would require completely inverting my entire play-style... especially given that I will sometimes play kamikaze just to provide Olias with another corpse. I personally coined the term "DP-Surfing" to refer to my habit of grinding through an explorable area at -60% death penalty, sacrificing myself and the henchie party repeatedly to take out one enemy at a time.
Any title that involves dying a few thousand times will be infinitely easier for me than one involving NOT dying.
In any case... its good to know it counts. Its a pity I won't be able to get it for Chae Soon... but provided my plans to get Canthan Grandmaster Cartographer and Defender of Cantha go well (and they're already well on their way to completion), its just a matter of repeating the process in Tyria and perhaps Elona...
And then of course there is the whole Skill Hunter thing, but thats non-maxable presumably... I just do that because I love my Elite Skill collection. ^_^
Are you having a laugh?
Legendary Defender of Ascalon would be a walk in the park to me compared to getting even the first level of Survivor. That is one title tree I will never begin to climb.
Just to clarify something first: 95% of my play-time is with one character... my Assassin. I have entirely accepted dying as a completely normal aspect of Guild Wars life. To play through without dying even to the first level of survivor would require completely inverting my entire play-style... especially given that I will sometimes play kamikaze just to provide Olias with another corpse. I personally coined the term "DP-Surfing" to refer to my habit of grinding through an explorable area at -60% death penalty, sacrificing myself and the henchie party repeatedly to take out one enemy at a time.
Any title that involves dying a few thousand times will be infinitely easier for me than one involving NOT dying.
In any case... its good to know it counts. Its a pity I won't be able to get it for Chae Soon... but provided my plans to get Canthan Grandmaster Cartographer and Defender of Cantha go well (and they're already well on their way to completion), its just a matter of repeating the process in Tyria and perhaps Elona...
And then of course there is the whole Skill Hunter thing, but thats non-maxable presumably... I just do that because I love my Elite Skill collection. ^_^