Lock HUDs & Mouse Pointer Contrast?


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007


I'd like to see the various HUDs after resizing and positioning them where you want 'em locked so they cannot be moved inadvertently during battles.

I'd like to see different options for mouse pointers to improve contrast during battles such as different colors to use and larger bullseye rings and the like.

It has been very frustrating to somehow loose track of where the mouse pointer is during a battle--seconds can cost you your life. I have a large 1920 x 1080 widescreen and goldish pointer during a fight around certain colored terrain features and baddies and group members moving around in the heat of battle can make the pointer invisible-like. Maybe clicking and holding the mouse pointer to move could change its shape to include a bullseye ring around it and change its color to red? It could do this only during a battle condition? I know...I know...I have that mouse location feature turned on where the bullseye rings move around the pointer when the Ctrl key is tapped--it's better then nothing and I have to remember to use it quickly when I need it.

Thank you.