This has come up at least twice now so it's time to understand something about GW and its gameplay. The main quest course seems to be straightforward and relatively easy for my character build and hench party. There have been two places on the map so far that not even side quests have entered to date. One is Dragon's Gullet and the second, just discovered today before I move on in the main quest west from Beacon's Perch is Lornar's Pass south through the east teleport. In both cases exploring has proven impossible. Dragon's Gullet with the hydra and Lornar's Pass with a variety of new beasts that seem to be in much larger groups that just overwhelm. I'm beginning to feel that my sole principle purpose in GW should be just to accomplish side quests and the main quest story line and to try to map _all_ the areas outside of quests is asking for to much.
Are these two areas really designed outside of the normal game for die-hard Guilds to really get stressed in and not at all for the casual gamer really interested in going through the story? OR, does it point to me still missing something drastically important to learn how to get past and through these overwhelming areas? I hope the later is not true or necessary because I don't have any fun playing battles over and over and over again with all the strategy involved. But like I said, the main quest and side quest paths all seem very doable and fun.
I haven't answered my own question because I don't know if killing hydra or the likes of it and quantity in Lornar's Pass is necessary or not. I'd like to know for certain but until I do learn one way or the other I'm going to stick to the main and side quests and let my tough areas anxiety go.
Thank you for your comments on this.
Gameplay Strategy...I Need To Know Something!
Those extra areas will become much easier when you're a higher level and have more skills, more equipment, etc. Right now you should focus on getting to level 20 and proceeding onward.
Also, when you get to Nightfall, Heroes make exploring much easier.
Also, when you get to Nightfall, Heroes make exploring much easier.
Originally Posted by Savio
Those extra areas will become much easier when you're a higher level and have more skills, more equipment, etc. Right now you should focus on getting to level 20 and proceeding onward.
Also, when you get to Nightfall, Heroes make exploring much easier. |
Wrath of m0o
Lonars Pass
The first time i crossed lonars pass was my 1st time through the game, with a full group of hench. I remember the night clearly, I was venturing through the game, maping out places i havent been and it took me many hours of fighting with a 60 death penalty. You can imagine the suprise (and disgust) when i ened up in Beacons Perch. I thought i must be going to some really hard to get to area seeing how tough this was to pass.
Some areas are meant to really challenge a full group of humans. Having the right combination of well ballanced characters can turn the tide of what some would think is unpassable.
Also, if you are trying to cross lonars pass from Beacons perch, with 6 guys, it has been done, but i would suggest going around like everyone else.
The first time i crossed lonars pass was my 1st time through the game, with a full group of hench. I remember the night clearly, I was venturing through the game, maping out places i havent been and it took me many hours of fighting with a 60 death penalty. You can imagine the suprise (and disgust) when i ened up in Beacons Perch. I thought i must be going to some really hard to get to area seeing how tough this was to pass.
Some areas are meant to really challenge a full group of humans. Having the right combination of well ballanced characters can turn the tide of what some would think is unpassable.
Also, if you are trying to cross lonars pass from Beacons perch, with 6 guys, it has been done, but i would suggest going around like everyone else.
In both. With the heroes you control what they carry skills and weapon wise, also you can control when and at what they use those skills/spells on.
The main storyline doesn't require you to enter Lornars pass but I can understand your frustration that it is right outside beacons Perch. The other end of Lornars pass connects to another area with no outpost, the other side of that is a Post ascending area so you can imagine it will be quite difficult.
As Savio said, continue on with the storyline and you'll be fine soon enough
The main storyline doesn't require you to enter Lornars pass but I can understand your frustration that it is right outside beacons Perch. The other end of Lornars pass connects to another area with no outpost, the other side of that is a Post ascending area so you can imagine it will be quite difficult.
As Savio said, continue on with the storyline and you'll be fine soon enough
Comment on Dragon's Gullet.
With the nightfall heroes at decent level it's easy.
But I have solo played this area with my Ranger after he beat the game.
You can find some hydra's in the area between ascalon (Nolani) and Yak's Bend.
From Yak's, you can take a team of 6 that should be able to kill them.
That way you can learn their spells and attacks and with that how to counter those.
With the nightfall heroes at decent level it's easy.
But I have solo played this area with my Ranger after he beat the game.
You can find some hydra's in the area between ascalon (Nolani) and Yak's Bend.
From Yak's, you can take a team of 6 that should be able to kill them.
That way you can learn their spells and attacks and with that how to counter those.
ayame ftw
profecies campagn lets u run form one city to a nother without doing any mission
Later on A-net wanted to make sure u could not run to city's where u not supose to be yet acording to the storry line... so they made some points in the game harder to "run/fight". So it would discurage runners...
Later on A-net wanted to make sure u could not run to city's where u not supose to be yet acording to the storry line... so they made some points in the game harder to "run/fight". So it would discurage runners...
I'm not sure, other than for the odd skill cap or cartographer title exploration there is any reason to go down through Lornar's Pass/Dreadnaught's Drift/Snake Dance is there? At the end of those 3 harsh explorable zones is Camp Rankor, and on from that is Droknar's Forge. This area is commonly used by players who employ a "Runner" (someone with the necessary skills to solo-run down through the explorable areas) in order to get to Droknar's Forge to get Max Level Armor, before continuing with the main storyline to Lion's Arch and beyond. This sort of "Short Cut" can only be done to a large extent in Tyria. Both Cantha and Elona have locked gates in case you try to get somewhere too soon.
As for places such as Dragon's Gullet...there are a few places like that. The Falls (in the Jungle) is another, also Mineral Springs (Southern Shiverpeaks). They seem to me to be areas where there are few, if any, quests involved and so they are there to provide a challenge for people wanting Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer. You really don't want to go to Dragon's Gullet...I went there to explore for GMC and it made me want to kill myself. The scenery and background music is so so morbid.
As for places such as Dragon's Gullet...there are a few places like that. The Falls (in the Jungle) is another, also Mineral Springs (Southern Shiverpeaks). They seem to me to be areas where there are few, if any, quests involved and so they are there to provide a challenge for people wanting Tyrian Grandmaster Cartographer. You really don't want to go to Dragon's Gullet...I went there to explore for GMC and it made me want to kill myself. The scenery and background music is so so morbid.