ok , first time writing any type of build but still... its pretty good and i pulled it off.
avatar of balthazar(e)
physical resistance
mystic regeneration
mystic vigor
sympathetic visage
ancestors visage
mystic sweep
victorious sweep
any max armor with +1 mystic headpeice
major scythe rune
major mystic
12 scythe (10+2)
12 mystic (9+1+2)
10 illusion
3 earth prayers (gives 2 regen per enchant for 6 with 3 enchants)
6 insperation
zealous/enchanting for smites
if there are any questions contact me in game - scythe marauder
just an idea for d/me in uw
nice build but i think Ecksor came out with the build first the only difference is victorious sweep instead he used eremite strike. Nice idea on the victorious sweep.
yeah i kinda wasn't thinking and didn't look for duplicate builds <props to anyone wit same basic idea>