Hello, I am interested in purchasing and playing Guild Wars, but before I spend my money there are some things I would like an opinion about.
1)I have played Final Fantasy XI before for almost 2 years, and the game was really good, but ebayers and bots ruined the game, is there a problem with this in Guild Wars?
2)Right now I play a game called Rappelz, the graphics are really good, buts since its a korean free to play translated game, there is like absolutely no depth to the game, just grind grind grind in a dungeon to get to a higher level, but 2nd job classes havent been released and you only get new weapon and armors at lvl 20, then 50, then 80 so there is no motivation for a person to level past 80, which can take maybe 1-3 months. Is Guild Wars like this or are there lots of weapons and armor for any level?
3) I used to play Diablo 2 LOD for 2 summers, and I REALLY liked that game, the necromancer was sweet, with so many summons, and many builds you can play with, but the downfall was that a person could get very high level in a day or two. Does the Guild Wars Necromancer have multiple summons out at one time killing for you? and do the job classes have multiple build styles?
4) One thing I liked about FFXI was the crafting system. you could go around all over the world and fish or mine or harvest, and then make stuff. Is there a deep crafting system like that in Guild Wars? with fishing, mining, harvesting etc?
5) In Rappelz the game I play now, there is no auction house, or "broker" so if you want to sell something you have to set up a shop on the street, and it isnt possible to send other players items through a mailing system. Is there an auction house/broker in Guild Wars and a Mailing system to send other players items?
If you have read through my questions, thank you very much, I look forward to reading a response. I realize I could have searched for most of this information, but I want opinions, not necessarily facts, lol and I believe the players themselves can explain more then a faq can. Thank you for youre time.
Hi im new and would like some suggestions
There are bots and ebayers in GW, but they really don't affect the game at all. Guilod Wars has a level cap, maximum armor stats, and maximum damage levels for weapons. No one can buy an "uber" item to give them an advantage.
Depending which chapter of GW you buy, leveling can be extremely fast, or quite slow. Prophecies, the first release, leveling is a very slow process. Most players don't reach level 20 until about 60% completed. Faction, the second release, is extremely fast in leveling. Level 20 can be reached in just a few hours. Nightfall, the third chapter, is midway between the first two. None of the systems is better.
There are literally hundered of different weapon skins, and a few dozen armor skins. Each class gets different designs.
Necromancers have a limit on the number of summoned creatures.
No crafting, or fishing, mining, or any similiar types. GW isn't designed that way.
No auction house yet either. Hopefully one is coming soon. Many players use the auction site here, and the buy/sell forums. No mailing system as well.
Depending which chapter of GW you buy, leveling can be extremely fast, or quite slow. Prophecies, the first release, leveling is a very slow process. Most players don't reach level 20 until about 60% completed. Faction, the second release, is extremely fast in leveling. Level 20 can be reached in just a few hours. Nightfall, the third chapter, is midway between the first two. None of the systems is better.
There are literally hundered of different weapon skins, and a few dozen armor skins. Each class gets different designs.
Necromancers have a limit on the number of summoned creatures.
No crafting, or fishing, mining, or any similiar types. GW isn't designed that way.
No auction house yet either. Hopefully one is coming soon. Many players use the auction site here, and the buy/sell forums. No mailing system as well.
1) yes there are ebayers and botter in gw as well. but i dont see them as ruining the game. because guild wars is more of a skill based rather than grind based game, there is no spending months to get high level weapons and armor. you can actually obtain max level weapons and armor without spending a single gold piece. the only thing gained by ebayers it lots of shiny weapons and armor that are just as strong as the cheap stuff.
2) guild wars is an almost zero grind game (well you can grind away at somethings, but none of them are musts). the level cap is 20, and depending on the amount of time you play and which campaign you purchase, it can be reached in a matter of couple of weeks, down to a couple days or less. armor is not linked to level, so as you progress, newer and stronger armor will become available. if you have the cash and materials to craft it, its yours. very simple.
3) necros in gw do have several summons, called minions, and are very viable in pve. they do require corpses to summon, so you cant just pop them up whenever you feel like it. and yes there are different build types to play, not only in the necros attribute lines, but all classes. to use the necro as an example, there are four necro attribute lines: death magic, blood magic, curses, and soul reaping. death contains most all of the minion related skills, blood has some healing and life stealing skills, curses has a wide variety of hexes, and soul reaping is related to energy gain from corpses.
4) no, the crafting system is rather basic. present your raw materials, which can be purchased or dropped by enemies, and the required gold, give it to the crafter and poof, you have your armor. there is no mining for fish in gw.
5) alas, there is no auction house in guild wars either. most trade is done through spamming WTS messages in the chats in the large towns, or through third party auctions, like the one here at guru. and no there is no mailing system either.
hope this helps.
2) guild wars is an almost zero grind game (well you can grind away at somethings, but none of them are musts). the level cap is 20, and depending on the amount of time you play and which campaign you purchase, it can be reached in a matter of couple of weeks, down to a couple days or less. armor is not linked to level, so as you progress, newer and stronger armor will become available. if you have the cash and materials to craft it, its yours. very simple.
3) necros in gw do have several summons, called minions, and are very viable in pve. they do require corpses to summon, so you cant just pop them up whenever you feel like it. and yes there are different build types to play, not only in the necros attribute lines, but all classes. to use the necro as an example, there are four necro attribute lines: death magic, blood magic, curses, and soul reaping. death contains most all of the minion related skills, blood has some healing and life stealing skills, curses has a wide variety of hexes, and soul reaping is related to energy gain from corpses.
4) no, the crafting system is rather basic. present your raw materials, which can be purchased or dropped by enemies, and the required gold, give it to the crafter and poof, you have your armor. there is no mining for fish in gw.
5) alas, there is no auction house in guild wars either. most trade is done through spamming WTS messages in the chats in the large towns, or through third party auctions, like the one here at guru. and no there is no mailing system either.
hope this helps.
For in-depth info on everything to do with Guild Wars, go to http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Main_Page
The Game Basics section explains the gameplay, the Professions section will give you information on the Necromancer.
Keep in mind that GW is designed as a skill based game, thus the level 20 and max weapon/armor stat limits. Having better group/skill combinations is how you overwhelm opponents.
The Game Basics section explains the gameplay, the Professions section will give you information on the Necromancer.
Keep in mind that GW is designed as a skill based game, thus the level 20 and max weapon/armor stat limits. Having better group/skill combinations is how you overwhelm opponents.