i really dont know where to post that but sory if that worng location.....
after all the 2 years that i play in guild wars lots of things has changes for exmpale the dye system wich is great improve but with all the good intention of arena net they runis alot of things with that not that i hate arena net but they have runis the most of the way to farm for gold for exmpale just correct if i am mistake but the uw duel farming has runis all the system of the monster has change once they got to 50% health they just run back to
get natrul heal wich if they broke the aggro line they run to my lovly partner the ss sv echo br necro that the one thing
but after that also the same with elona reach and forge and even in nightfall
i really dont know about u the other forums member but i would be very huppy if they will back the same system that was cuz look... i know they want that we will work toghter more but if we will work more with group but most of the ppl are leaver and etc..... even in green farming sf and so on and the hero are like the hachman take from our drops
so i dont know they have done to improve the fun of the game but however now that take 100% more time to collect the same gold from the past
i dont know about u but i call to all the ppl who really love farm not farm 1 gold coins after one and i am was farming even all the day and make 50-80k a day that just not work like that so all the ppl who thing we deserve to get back our lovly farming locations back just post it here in this thread
cuz look ppl if we will do somting surly arenet dont care dont forget the game made most by there client so there is no reason they will not listen to us
we was pay for that and good money just let u know

sory for spelling mistake but i am sure that really readable. ty barakheart