Don't get mad

Star Naiad

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006

Why the *&$# this Forum is running so slow??

It happens to be running on a PII server by any chance?

Why don't you guys start a donation thread and let everyone contribute and buy a new server with that money? Just don’t go get drunk with our contributions.

Fair enough idea I believe.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Sunny ol' Manchester

The Trumpet Blowers


I've found it's fine in the morning GMT (when I guess all the Americans are asleep ) and not so great in the evenings. It's probably related to the number of people on at once. And probably the number of threads...



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


Instead of a donations page, we have paid memberships in two levels. check it out here

Ritualistic Spankin

Ritualistic Spankin

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2006

If i remember correctly they (mods) had said that Mon. & Tues. the site is slowest which makes sense due to people catching up with anything they missed while playing over the weekend, and then the afternoon time you have the kiddies getting out of school.

Site always works great for me, might be your provider.



I dunt even get "Retired"

Join Date: Aug 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

They've already answered your question and, we have a sticky for server speed feedback needed, in it's own forum, Site Feedback. Closed.