Farming Kai's Sword...
Ok well i try to farm Kai's Sword i have killed him like once without dying at the same time as him, i use the E/A Solo Green Farmer build. Does anyone know of another E/anything build that works? Thanks.
try a dual riposte warrior with grenths and an interrupt to get his heal signet. People used to farm this when he was bugged (didnt move or attack)
me/x x/me with [wiki]Ignorance[/wiki] [wiki]Empathy[/wiki] and of course [wiki]Visions of Regret[/wiki] ::evil grin:: (and yes, all of his attack skills are adrenal...)
mo/x or x/mo with some smite action
mo/x or x/mo with some smite action
Go look in the Farming builds forum more. Closed.