three class suggestions, none fully flushed out with complete skill lists; rather they’re concepts and sketches of the types of classes I would like to see implemented in the game.
a) Another damage-oriented spell-casting class, although with a different theme to how damage is delivered. Rather than geared towards what’s already established with the elementalist go in a different direction. Rather than having a large energy reserve, have them inherently limited in energy, with spells designed to be small, efficient and low to medium damage. Quick casts, long range ( on par with a longbow’s max range, if not longer if taking advantage of terrain ) and multi-targeted would be their trademarks. Instead of having inherent benefits to their max energy, or their cast-times; give them a bonus to their energy regen. One practical model for this type of energy regen scale you could apply the same tiered benefits of the soul reaping, where you gain one additional pip of energy regen per every three points in the primary skill. An additional twist could be an inherently low energy cost for all skills by also tying into the primary skill an energy reduction modifier; example: for every five points in the primary skill all energy costs for all skills is taken down by a third, at ten points it’s taken down by half, at twelve points it’s taken down by two thirds and at fifteen points it’s taken down by seventy-five percent. This would give the class both an inherently high energy regen, and low cost skills giving them the ability to cast large number of skills without requiring a lot of regen time, if any. This would also not permit other classes from picking up this class as a secondary and reaping the benefits of having miniscule energy costs. Instead of infringing on the elementalists primary damage types, their damage could come in the form of light; perhaps holy light, colored light, bent light, with a primary attribute of white light. I believe light is already a damage type in the game, as is holy damage, and wouldn’t be creating too much new territory in that regard.
Name suggestions for a) Prismic, Prismist,
b) A complimentary spell-caster in the mold of the assassin: mobility, teleportation, speed, combo-attacks; only with spells rather than daggers. Roughly the same strengths/weaknesses as the assassin in the armor/hp/energy departments would suit the mold of the game. Their spells would be half-range compared to an elementalist, making them a bad choice to combine with the other spell-casting classes, but an excellent one to combine with melee classes. Teleportation shouldn’t be to adjacent like the assassin, but rather to the “nearby” ring near a foe, placing them just outside of melee range but within the class’ spellcasting range. Skill trees for this class could be, or act along the themes of: hunting, alacrity, mischief, and a primary attribute of chaos.
Name suggestions for b) Chasseur
c) A new breed of pure healing class would go a long way, in my opinion. Since an armor heavy healing class has already been introduced with the paragon, a light armor class would fit the bill just fine. I think a blend of the beast-master skill tree along with the healing skill tree of the monk would make an interesting class. Rather than a melee oriented pet, one that works more like the spirits of a ritualist. I would see something like a sprite who’s a permanent pet of the caster and whenever a skill from the sprite line was cast the sprite would grant that ability/effect to the rest of the party. Only one effect working at a time would give the sprite an effective and interesting role without becoming too overpowered. The basic premise for this would be how bards have worked in some other games, only with the number of effects limited to just one with the ability to silence the caster by killing their pet. Other skill trees could include enhancements to other traits, including hp/energy regen; crowd control to a limited degree ( something that has been left largely untouched outside of the monk’s pacifism skill ) would be an interesting addition to the pve game as well, and honestly the one element rarely used in a pve game that centers around aoe damage and a minion master.
Name suggestions for c) Bard,
thankyou for reading.
my contribution to the fray
I like the Sprite healer/pet based buffing idea.
It would be nice to have another healer that has plenty of targeted quick recharging heals and several good unconditional heals.
I do not think Anet will ever make a class that heals better/equall to a monk, but they might make one with a broader reppetoire of heals than the ones they have made up to date, giving us more choice for builds.
By the way; that is not how bards work, a bard is traveler and story teller, they seek information about their foes and share this lore with their party.
Stuff like knowing weaknesses, waring for danger and motivating your allies.
(That much the paragon coveres)
But because bards gain a lore of magic too, they can mimic/use magic from most other classes, though with a more limited repetoire than a true elementalist monk mesmer or necro.
(the paragon does not do this, this is not like mesmer skill stealing, more like finding a nice elementlist and asking him to take the time to teach you how to cast fireball, sort of like skill trainer)
It would be nice to have another healer that has plenty of targeted quick recharging heals and several good unconditional heals.
I do not think Anet will ever make a class that heals better/equall to a monk, but they might make one with a broader reppetoire of heals than the ones they have made up to date, giving us more choice for builds.
By the way; that is not how bards work, a bard is traveler and story teller, they seek information about their foes and share this lore with their party.
Stuff like knowing weaknesses, waring for danger and motivating your allies.
(That much the paragon coveres)
But because bards gain a lore of magic too, they can mimic/use magic from most other classes, though with a more limited repetoire than a true elementalist monk mesmer or necro.
(the paragon does not do this, this is not like mesmer skill stealing, more like finding a nice elementlist and asking him to take the time to teach you how to cast fireball, sort of like skill trainer)
honestly i only tossed bard up there as the name because when i got done with the sketch of what i thought would make a good healing class it sounded eriely like the bard i played in eq. once that thought got in my head, couldn't think of a better name.
if the idea of a sprite is used at all? it doesn't bother me what the class is actually called in the end.
if the idea of a sprite is used at all? it doesn't bother me what the class is actually called in the end.