Henchmen idea

mera Yurasaki

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Trinity wolf pack


I had an idea about henchmen. Basically my idea was being able to use other characters on your profile as henchmen. So, for instance, I have a ranger monk, and a elemental monk. If I were playing the r/mo, I could use the e/mo as a henchmen. I think that would give players a better chance to survive with new characters and still have uses for those lv 20 characters they worked so long on.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

The Obenem Van Valnor


/pls don't

basically it's "make my other chars hero's". And as such its a very bad idea, beacuse then you will take away the last reason for calling this game an online game...

ok.. maybe overreacting... but not a good idea imo
(and indeed... I don't really like the hero's ... although it's implementation, mechanics and all is great. It just destroyed the social aspect of the game)




Join Date: Feb 2006

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