I just logged in for the first time after the weekend update, only to find my Factions key (which I got shortly after release) was apparently deleted from my account! My Canthan characters and skills still exist, but I can't play these characters and the Factions skills have the "locked" graphics, I can't go to Cantha, etc..
Bad thing is, no, I can't just re-enter my Factions key, I have bought it off eBay (NOT second hand). It was unused, from a commercial trader, sent by eMail and working until today. I don't have that email any more, and I really hope ANet or NCSoft or whoever just re-activates Factions for me, because I don't think that seller still has that email. Big Charr doodoo.
Test weekend update locked me out of campaign
Roland of Gilead
Contact Guild Wars support, and next time it really helps to have a question. Closed.