Test weekend update locked me out of campaign

Roland of Gilead

Academy Page

Join Date: Aug 2005


I just logged in for the first time after the weekend update, only to find my Factions key (which I got shortly after release) was apparently deleted from my account! My Canthan characters and skills still exist, but I can't play these characters and the Factions skills have the "locked" graphics, I can't go to Cantha, etc..
Bad thing is, no, I can't just re-enter my Factions key, I have bought it off eBay (NOT second hand). It was unused, from a commercial trader, sent by eMail and working until today. I don't have that email any more, and I really hope ANet or NCSoft or whoever just re-activates Factions for me, because I don't think that seller still has that email. Big Charr doodoo.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Contact Guild Wars support, and next time it really helps to have a question. Closed.