Wintergreen Staff?

Tetram The Troll

Tetram The Troll

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Exxxcited French [TriK]

Dunno if it's the good part of the Forum to speak about this, just tell me if i'm wrong.

Two days ago, I chose a Wintergreen staff among the ~10 Wintergreens of the Xunlai Tournament Agent.
I thought it was the same kind of classic items basis (I mean the 10 energy + 20% reloard attributes) but I had a great surprise... Except the 10-10 dmg, this staff is completely crap. Now I don't really understand the aim of puting a such useless item although all the other ones can be useful.
For example:
- the 8 armor Wintergreen shield has a perfect basis for any class except warrior or paragon
- the 10-10 spear is moddable and has the same basis as a classic gold spear
- and so on...

Maybe some of you are gonna tell me it's not an important point but I'd like Anet to change this thing (error?) if it's possible.


(forgive me if my english is bad)


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005


The stats were listed quite clearly at the trader, so it's your own fault. I would have loved having it +10/20% because then I'd have gotten one, but Anet obviously doesn't want these items to be of actual use in most instances.

Tetram The Troll

Tetram The Troll

Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006

Exxxcited French [TriK]

Then I think it was a bad idea to introduce a such crap item in that list. Although the stats weren't as well listed as a real collectors can list them (nightfall & factions greens for example) don't you think?




Join Date: Feb 2006

This thread is being closed for the following reason:

This sort of discussion has been going on since the first Wintersday items were released back in 2005. There is no need for yet another thread on the subject. The Windersday items are for show, not for practical use. This is what ArenaNet itended them to be for, and this is, for the most part, what the community uses them for.