~~''Under Construction"" + White screen~~
Prof Of Black
A few mins ago Guild Wars Crashed. I reinstalled. Now I see some weapons as 'Under Construction' and when I'm wearing the weapon, I become white. What to do? And btw, loading takes 10x longer than normal..
PLEASE, Help me.
PLEASE, Help me.
Prof Of Black
Actually, when I logged in again, it was gone ;p
EDIT: NO! WHen I logged in on another account it happened AGAIN!
EDIT: NO! WHen I logged in on another account it happened AGAIN!
I would really like to know this also- Im not having any probs with under construction stuff, but the loading is reaallllyyy slow, it was last night also. I talked to some of my guild members and their not having any loading problems, so who is/is not? Could it be a bug?
Prof Of Black
My Koss is a piece of white stuff now =(
Prof Of Black
It happened with a Lotus Shield twice.. 2 accounts 2 shields 2 white Koss's =\
Im not having any problems with this now, but last night when I logged on every time I came to an new area my persons armor color would be different. Kinda funny actually, but it was only for an hour or so. I'm just aggraveted with the darn load times!
Prof Of Black
Me too, when I was running it took me around 2 mins to load.. People almost left =\
Im hoping it just has something to do with the test weekend; I hope it isnt my computer or anything. Yesterday I wrote a support email to Anet, but they havnt written me back yet. My group got SUPER pissed at me, it takes really long for me to load areas and they all died....i'm having super fun.
Prof Of Black
Luckily I didnt do a Mission. But crashed Guild Wars to you? Thats why I needed to reinstall.
lol, krichter you evil. Anyway, i had the under construction thing with a vabbian tower sheild. I turned partially white. It was sorted out after a while. I'm guessing they just haven't finished the image for it.
Prof Of Black
Here Koss with his white block, looks pretty funny.
The Underconstruction is gone on his shield now..
The Underconstruction is gone on his shield now..
pshhhh...Just checked my email, anet wrote back and told me to try reconnecting my wifi linskys box. I'll try it, but I dont think it will work good. Maybe someone shoudl try re-installing GW? I would, but that ALONE took me 2 hours. Maybe that would work, it works for some other technical problems.
Prof Of Black
Reinstall will take things to load again
Wrath Of Dragons
THe "under construction" shows up when the item hasnt loaded onto your game yet. by reinstalling, you wiped all records of the game, so now everything including maps and items must be reloaded. it should go away once you have been playing a while, or run the -image command. To make loading times much faster, get a big memory stick and find someone who has GW installed on their computer and copy the entire gw.dat to it. then take it to your computer and replace the existing gw.dat
Prof Of Black
Ok thanks!, but I dont know someone with it ;p
Prof Of Black
FoW armour changed too? Around the legs the black part is now red =\
Prof Of Black
The white AND the under c is gone on Koss now..
Would someone mind posting how to do the -image command for me? I don't know how to do that.
Get your shortcut, right click on it, hit properties. Under the target part put -image after whatever is there now, for example:
"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -image
Run it, wait a few hours for it to download and decompress. When it is done it will close itself.
Remove the -image and run it again and play.
"C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" -image
Run it, wait a few hours for it to download and decompress. When it is done it will close itself.
Remove the -image and run it again and play.
thank you SO much- I left it on a few hours and now GW works like usual! Thanks!
Prof Of Black
I cant get it, it doesnt open then, can you PLEASE explain again?
To be sure that it works, ensure that there is a space between the "C:\Program Files\Guild Wars\Gw.exe" and -image parts in your shortcut properties. As far as explaining it again, I don't know how much more simply that it can be explained.
Wrath Of Dragons
once it is done, it will auto exit, and you will need to remove the -image before it will open