I've talked about this on IRC with the guys who go there but my problem wasn't solved there, so here I am.
I've had an X1650 XT (which broke afterwards and then was returned) and an X1950 Pro and they both had the same problem. If I play in windowed mode in Guild Wars with AA on it goes down to 1-2 fps at most. This is not a problem with my computers power, I can run it not windowed at 1280x1024 with everything maxed and 4x AA at over 60 fps. I do have a dual monitor setup but even with one monitor it still happens.
I've tried the follow:
6.12 catalysts as well as 7.1
turning off all advanced options in the CCC (adaptive AA, high quality AF, temporal AA, Catalyst AI) Forcing AA on in the CCC doesn't work anyway.
Removing the one monitor
Lowering every other setting to lowest (does nothing)
Lowering resolution (at roughly 640x480 I got 3 fps!)
Turning vsync on/off
Disabling the VPU recoverer
My system:
MSI Neo 4 mobo
3700+ San Diego s939
Powercolor X1950 Pro
1gb Kingston ValueRAM 400mhz dual channel
Antec Trio PSU
Nothing is overclocked, every other game I have works fine, but most them I don't try to play windowed anyway. I repeat, this ONLY happens when it's windowed and my system is beefy enough to play it. It works perfectly fine without AA in windowed mode (60+ fps again). I'm getting framerate reports from FRAPS however it is visible that my system is running at 2 fps.
So, if you have any suggestions please leave a reply.
4xAA (same thing with 2x)
Windowed with AA
Is the game itself actually playing that bad? I mean it would be a total slideshow at that speed...
Oh it is, I watch as the screen refreshes the new frame each time and it's hard to even remove the AA afterwards.
Any insight into this problem?
what am i looking at? there both the same :P
Top right-hand corner you'll see my framerate.
hes using fraps
it looks like a driver problem -.-
you can try third party drivers like omega. their pretty good
it looks like a driver problem -.-
you can try third party drivers like omega. their pretty good
Tried enabling it in the ATI drivers, doesn't do a thing (I can still noticably see the jaggies).
I've tried 6.11 catalysts now as well, I'd try earlier version but that's the first version for X1950s.
I've tried 6.11 catalysts now as well, I'd try earlier version but that's the first version for X1950s.
Its a general problem with ATI's AA with GuildWars, it can be fixed by using a really old Cat, but for x1950's thats not a choice really.
I have 2x x1950's in CrossFire and have around 180 FPS in GuildWars without Vsync, however soon as i go windowed it drops to 2-3.
Currently i dont think there is a fix for newer versions of the Cat, if there is, can someone be kind enough to enlighten me?
I have 2x x1950's in CrossFire and have around 180 FPS in GuildWars without Vsync, however soon as i go windowed it drops to 2-3.
Currently i dont think there is a fix for newer versions of the Cat, if there is, can someone be kind enough to enlighten me?
awesome sauce
Another potential cause is that he has AA turned on for all apps in addition to the game, which causes them to conflict. Right click the desktop go to properties, settings, click advanced, and go to direct3d (for ati, i dont know what it is for nvidea). Make sure both AA and AS are set to app preference.
THis reminds me... I want to be able to use 6x and adaptive AA in W but I cant