really only posting here cause i cant find a thread for it already....but i also didnt look very hard so i cant be blamed lol im at work >_<
Anyrate im just listing of some of my ideas for NPC's for player enhancement and more in-game options. Just gonna list em off as they cross my mind if you have any comments or opinions feel free to share.
First and foremost an appearance changer npc...probably the most requested npc in guild wars...ever. Now myself included some people may be thinking that theyve had their character(s) since prophecies but in the new campaigns new hair styles and faces were released that just look that much better than what you currently have and the only way to change it is delete and remake, now with a lvl 20 character that has 15k armors and uber rare weapons and every skill in the game that is obviouslly not even a question to delete em. so what would be better than an NPC that can change hairstyles or even your face! as from changing the color of your hair to every hair color available to all classes (such as a monk with green hair) to whatever else you can think of.
Clothing merchant.
maybe not quite as popular of any idea but still kind of neat. Have in-town clothing that you wear that is not your normal armor, buut make the clothing go under the armor so it doesnt take up precious inventory space. as well with the intown thing make the backpack and bags viewable like the cape or headgear. just another way to make the characters just that much more realistic =)
Ever wish your character could have that certain "bling" ? trade in the useless (or for at least the time being useless) diamonds, obsidian shards, jadeite, amber chunks, and anything else shiney for necklaces, rins, earrings, and other forms of piercing your little heart can imagine!
Guild Decoration
This was a random idea that came from the last wintersday...why not give the guild leader an option to buy decor to match the holiday season? Give your guild hall that christmas cheer or the scare of your life from Halloween.
the following concepts are just improvements upon current NPC's
Festival Hat Maker.
Probably will never ever ever ever be done but it would be extremely popular if it was, for an additional charge have the hat maker make you a festival hat that none of your characters have ever gotten. Such as the tengu masks which only a few people have or other headgear that you werent able to get due to not having the game, or work constrictions, etc.
yes yes the Beloved Xunlai Storage Agent. never enough for any of us. As im sure its been posted several thousand times before. Additional storage for dyes or armors. or at the very release give us the option to either add more bags, or increase the size of current ones from 10-20. Others, like myself, like to collect armors that we cant bring ourselves to salvage or merchant off so additonal storage for things like armors, weapons, etc would be invaluable and i know many people who would pay out the nose to get em.
this idea came from the dye preview update. Why not have an armor preview where you can see what armors look like before you commit to buying them? Make it so you can select what amors you want to see by checking a little box next to them then clicking a button called preview which could let you view 1 peice of armor or all 5, but also give you the option of mix and match them to make the ideal set of armor.
Weapon customizer
The long forgotten merchant that customizes your weapon. Not just my idea but many many people in my alliance think this should be implemented as well. Although not likely but nice either way, why not give them a de-customization button ooor make already customized weapons customizable to other people. It would cut down on some scamming where people sell off cutomized weapons to some newer players that dont know they cant be weilded.
those are just a few of my ideas so please leave any commens you have on them.
More npc's ftw