Hi Im looking for a good Dervish build (perferably D/MO)
I have 1.5k elona armour and a Icy Soul breaker
I dont wanna buy a new set of 15k armour i dont have much money to use on sup vig or Primevil armour. on guild wiki Most Builds make you have certain runes and amour
looking for build
Guild Wars Guy
Well I'm going to pimp my EDA build. It's very easy to run and works extremely well. If you can't survive the game with this build then you shouldn't play a dervish. One Caveat though. You need an ebon weapon but they can be had fairly cheaply. I bought my Ebon mod for 1.5K and just slapped it on the 15% while enchanted scythe available from the weapons merchant in Kodash Bazaar.
Give it a shot. If you can't pony up for an ebon mod yet then you can always swap out Aura of thorns for Staggering Force or Dust cloak but you may have to do a little more chasing than you want to do.
Give it a shot. If you can't pony up for an ebon mod yet then you can always swap out Aura of thorns for Staggering Force or Dust cloak but you may have to do a little more chasing than you want to do.