Does GW have a central story line that carries though Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall, Chapter 4, and beyond or is each Chapter story independent of each other and full of its own independent main quest, minor quests and lots of hack and slash in between?
Is there any outline or summary of how the chapters main themes relate or fit together?
Does Factions pick up where Prophecies left off and does Nightfall pickup where Factions left off?
What is the GW Story Summary? How Does It All Tie Together?
Each chapter is independent. Nightfall has some followup quests and characters from the first two chapters, but Nightfall has its own main storyline.
I goofed up. I just learned all I needed to learn on this story subject of all three chapters from GuildWiki. I only read enough to satisfy my curiosity. Sorry.
...I'd delete this thread except Savio has posted in it. If he deletes his post I will delete my two?

Varesh a evil dark leader of the kournuns is trying to raise abbadon back to glory and help him make the realm of torment you go through the whole game looking for help from others a finally get up to where you kill varesh (twice actually) and then opens the realm of torment! You go through it slaying all abadons minnions and all the other bosses
(lich, shiro, Titans, Shiroken) then up to abbadons gate where you finally slay the beast. WOH HOOH dead i win you lose pz out
Afflicted is taking over shingjea, You go to cantha trying to find even more help from luxons and kurzicks and at end you unite them to go work your way to shiro only to find out that your teacher master togo was killed so shiro can return from the blood line. you kill him. WOH HOOH dead i win you pz out
forgot prphcies when i played it i was noob didnt understand thing so have someone else give you that
It doesnt leave off where others do but have some extremly important connects between nightfall and prophcies, and ch4 and factions will too
Varesh a evil dark leader of the kournuns is trying to raise abbadon back to glory and help him make the realm of torment you go through the whole game looking for help from others a finally get up to where you kill varesh (twice actually) and then opens the realm of torment! You go through it slaying all abadons minnions and all the other bosses

Afflicted is taking over shingjea, You go to cantha trying to find even more help from luxons and kurzicks and at end you unite them to go work your way to shiro only to find out that your teacher master togo was killed so shiro can return from the blood line. you kill him. WOH HOOH dead i win you pz out
forgot prphcies when i played it i was noob didnt understand thing so have someone else give you that
It doesnt leave off where others do but have some extremly important connects between nightfall and prophcies, and ch4 and factions will too