what happened to Stoneherder's Flatbow?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


i remember seeing some Stoneherder's Flatbow among the items being updated this summer, i thought its the 3rd drago's bow (the 1 that never drop) - but i never saw 1 for sale in-game or in forums. i tryed to find some info here (search's working again, nice ) and on wiki, but i found no info about it...
only this: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...er%27s+Flatbow

Updates over the past several months have improved a number of weapons and armors; these updates applied only to newly generated items, not to items already in player inventories. This update applies past improvements to the following inventory items: Victo's Battle Axe, Drago's Flatbow, Stoneherder's Flatbow, Tarnok's Recurve Bow, the Bludgeoner, Flint's Wand, Korvald's Cane, Ivor's Smiting Rod, Brimstone Wand, Gordac's Needle, Bortak's Bone Claw, Ritualist Shaman's Obsidian Armor, Elementalist Aeromancer's Armor, Elementalist Geomancer's Armor, Elementalist Hydromancer's Armor, Elementalist Pyromancer's Armor, Warrior Knight's Armor, Warrior Ascalon Armor, Warrior Dragon Armor, Warrior Platemail Armor, Monk Censor's Armor, Monk Judge's Armor, Monk Wanderer's Armor, Monk Sacred Armor, Monk Saintly Armor, and Mesmer Rogue's Armor.

so mb Stoneherder's Flatbow is another bugged green item (just like few green scythes that were bugged and never drop be4 in NF, forget the names but basically all 5 avatars were supposed to drop some green scythes and some bug prevented items from dropping).
it would be nice to know what happened to this bow... just for the record... however if it got good stats it would be nice to be able to get it



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

none o' ur biz

Blood Fell Banshee [Mofo]


Its funny you mention this as a friend and i were wondering about a similar thing. We were discussing items (for some random reason) and we both seem to distinctly remember seeing an image of a Green bow from SF that dealt blunt damage instead of piercing!!!

We may very be wrong and it may all be a ridiculous figment of our Guild Wars clouded imaginations but maybe the Stoneherder was this bow? In anycase neither of us have seen(in-game)/owned one (nor has anyone else it seems) but im fairly certain the image we saw was on wiki at one point (it had a lame-o skin like most greens).

"A bow that deals blunt damage... preposterous!" you say?

Well we thought the exact same thing when we came accross it (either with our eyes or just in our imagination).

But even if we did dream it up, wouldnt it be an interesting concept? I mean... we now have blunt swords, well... one blunt sword (Jitte... yes it sucks and looks uber-weak but its just an example).

Im fairly certain it did exist but thats an excuse my psychiatrist tires of hearing HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (¬_¬)


Jeremy Untouchable

Jeremy Untouchable

Wow Stole my freetime

Join Date: Mar 2006




there is some sort of a puzzle here. i can only find this: http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Stoneherder%27s_Flatbow Edit: most likely a typo on anets part



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

It doesn't drop, it doesn't exist, there has never been a picture on GuildWiki.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Sep 2006

none o' ur biz

Blood Fell Banshee [Mofo]


Originally Posted by Savio
It doesn't drop, it doesn't exist, there has never been a picture on GuildWiki.
Total conversation killer (¬_¬)



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Eternal Deliverance


Originally Posted by Kaisah
Total conversation killer (¬_¬)
Don't you just love a happy ending?



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by Savio
It doesn't drop, it doesn't exist, there has never been a picture on GuildWiki.
thats what i was thinking... but how can u update what doesnt exist? after all alot of ppl were sure that avatar bosses arent supposed to drop any greens till 1 of the last updates. and it wasnt a typo 'cos dragos flatbow was mentioned right before the flatbow in question...



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Stoneherder's Flatbow is probably coded into the system, but it doesn't drop because Drago decides to drop two of his Drago's Flatbow instead.