Splinter Weapon+IW=Nothing?
i tried them in isle of nameless and used them together,acording to the skill ur XX attacks deal XX damage to adjcent foes but it doesnt seem to work with IW?
You're not actually hitting the target.
And i tried using splinter weapon alone and only adjacent foes near that target takes the XX damage but why doesnt the person i m attacking takes that XX damage?And death blossom hits the foe with the XX damage unlike splinter wpeaon.
Narcikkan Grey
I believe Splinter Weapon only does that extra damage to adjacent foes, not including the target foe.
Quote from Wiki:
"Note that this damage is only dealt to foes adjacent to the target, not to the target itself."
Quote from Wiki:
"Note that this damage is only dealt to foes adjacent to the target, not to the target itself."
Anarion Silverhand
Quote from Guildwiki about IW:
"Attacks while enchanted with Illusionary Weaponry will not trigger any bonuses or penalties that normally trigger On Hit or On Miss but will trigger skills that operate "On Attack"."
And the Splinter weapon bonus hits foes adjacent to your target, not you, as Narcikkan Grey said.
"Attacks while enchanted with Illusionary Weaponry will not trigger any bonuses or penalties that normally trigger On Hit or On Miss but will trigger skills that operate "On Attack"."
And the Splinter weapon bonus hits foes adjacent to your target, not you, as Narcikkan Grey said.