The Aspiring Drunkard's Guide to Binge Drinking


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

Ice Cold Elements (ICE)


Does this still work? I tried what ne33us said, but it didn't seem to work. Have Hunter's Isle as gh. Perhaps I should try what ne33us said, but from Ember Light Camp?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2007



It worked for me just the other day.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006

Ice Cold Elements (ICE)


I can't get it working :-/ Is there any other way this drink and zone might work?



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005


def got fixed a looonnng time ago


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007

Primeval Warlords[wuw]


*Casts Animate Sticky Minion*

ne33us' method is Hit or miss as of 8/1/2010. Rarely it works, and usually I just get 1 minute (plus the 1 minute I got for waiting) -- see below.

I did find something not as fast, but definitely better than standing there for a week or risking your account by botting. You just need a couple of 5 pointers and a LOT of 1-pointers

NB: My guild hall is "Hunter's Isle"

0: Go to $Magic_Drinking_Outpost
1: Find your "window" as per the original instructions.
2: Drink a 5-pointer (or 5 1-pointers, but that's wasteful )
3: Zone to $Magic_Advancement_Outpost.
4: Check Title. Should have gained 1 point (no, this method does not give you the full 3.)
5: Go to $Magic_Drinking_Outpost.
6: Drink 1-pointer
7: GOTO 3

It won't get you your max title in 3-4 hours like the old way, but it seems that zoning can sometimes pop the top minute off the drunkard "stack" and give you credit for it, but it has to be a "fresh" minute, which is why you drink in step 6. Otherwise, you get 1 minute, then wait one minute, which only saves you 1/3 of the time.

You can burn through a stack of 1-pointers in about an hour (depending on loading time) this way. 2500 minutes is still better than 10,000 \=

-- Updated to replace specific outpost references since the "windows" don't seem to be constant across days nor times of day (i.e. EmberLight->GH was 0 ptm->46ptm on sunday, today I find it's about 2ptm->20ptm. Same story with Vasburg->Eternal Grove(Outpost) yesterday)

Don't go on "autopilot" until you're sure you have the window right, or you'll waste booze.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2009

It's called drinkingbuddy


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2007

Primeval Warlords[wuw]


Originally Posted by kryptina View Post
It's called drinkingbuddy
Yeah, no. That's lousy advice. If I wasn't on the cusp of GWAMM I wouldn't be messing with drunkard at all, so I'm not about to risk getting it banned by using a bot.