I and a friend (and 6 heroes) tackled Thunderhead Keep for the first time today. Everything proceeded normally up until the "defend the keep" portion. After a couple of waves of Stone Summit the assault just... stopped. We had to go so far, after 15 minutes of scratching our heads while nothing happened, as to go out, find some enemies, and kill them. Then they started to very, very slowly trickle into the keep in groups of 2 and 3.
So first off, I wonder if anyone else has experienced this. Second, I'm kind of curious how close together the waves are supposed to be. It was kind of laughable the way it worked for us, since you were never being attacked by more than 2 or 3 things at once until Dorian's group at the end (which was still no big deal). My other curiosity is that I lit both beacons during the lull and nothing happened. I'm curious what exactly one has to do to get the bonus here and whether the problem was that we failed to do something or related to the enemies getting stuck
Does this normally happen in THK?
The slow pace of attacks is normal but the enemy getting stuck is not, although it does happen sometimes.
Edit: Oh and those beacons, you need to lit them fast enough for the bonus to activate. If you hear the dwarves outside moaning how the end is here, you know it's too late.
Edit: Oh and those beacons, you need to lit them fast enough for the bonus to activate. If you hear the dwarves outside moaning how the end is here, you know it's too late.
It's not usually so slow that you "never" get attacked by more than one group at a time either.
You have enough time after the cut scene for a character to run to the beacon and light it up w/o using running skills, but not much more than that, generally.
You have enough time after the cut scene for a character to run to the beacon and light it up w/o using running skills, but not much more than that, generally.
You have to be fairly quick to light the 2 beacons that get the bonus butBlade is correct it can be done without running skills if you prepare for doing it.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
OK, so I just wasn't fast enough on the beacons, that's fine. I hadn't originally intended to bother with the bonus since it was my first time through the mission, but once I found a bunch of time on my hands I decided I might as well try it as a means of getting things moving.
It sounds to me like a wave just got stuck and other than that everything was fairly normal. Thanks for the information everyone.
It sounds to me like a wave just got stuck and other than that everything was fairly normal. Thanks for the information everyone.

You have exactly 30 seconds to light both beacons after the end of the cinematic, if you want the bonus.
Doing the bonus can make the mission easier too.
Light the beacons. Everyone huddle around the king's throne.
Usually, the mursaat will come in to the courtyard and stay there. Don't agro them unless they start going up the stairs, in which case, doing the bonus won't make the mission easier).
If they stay down there, then the other guys start coming in and they will fight each other. They won't fight the white mantle, but otherwise they will fight off a few waves before being killed off.
After they are gone, just attack anything that comes up the stairs (never kill a boss unless all other monsters are dead), and keep on eye on the King. If he comes out, you need to go to the courtyard to finish off the mission as he's too fragile to be that close to battle.
Friend of mine figured that out on his own. You can read it on the wiki page for THK now too.
Light the beacons. Everyone huddle around the king's throne.
Usually, the mursaat will come in to the courtyard and stay there. Don't agro them unless they start going up the stairs, in which case, doing the bonus won't make the mission easier).
If they stay down there, then the other guys start coming in and they will fight each other. They won't fight the white mantle, but otherwise they will fight off a few waves before being killed off.
After they are gone, just attack anything that comes up the stairs (never kill a boss unless all other monsters are dead), and keep on eye on the King. If he comes out, you need to go to the courtyard to finish off the mission as he's too fragile to be that close to battle.
Friend of mine figured that out on his own. You can read it on the wiki page for THK now too.
Jumping Is Uselss
actually not doing the bonus makes the mission alot easier because less murssat will come.
The bonus usually does make it easier as 2 posts up said. They are hostile to other mursaat etc. So if you don't aggro them they will whipe out a few waves for you and end up dying off. Thus killing more mobs for you= less enemies and it's easier.
I've henched/heroed the mission and bonus many times. Lighting the beacons isn't an issue if you just run the shortest route to the first one, then the shortest route to the next one. I think on one occaision I had the same problem as the OP whereby noone bothered to come and attack me. As for the trickling...that's normal. WHat's more funny is when you get a jade armor or a mursaat necromancer being labelled as a level 5 black bear
That's happened to me a few times...although I'm not sure what sort of black bear uses Oath Shot or Thunderclap... 
Eh? Not that much easier. You get two groups of 3 Jade armors/bows...and from what I remember they stagger their attacks. If anything it releives the boredom of waiting for the pathetic trickle of other mursaat.
One skill I found usefull throughout most of that mission was Ward of Stability. God, I love that skill! That way when you have 3+ Stone Summit Herders who think it's REAL fun to stagger their giant stomps you can just stand in the ward and laugh at them.

Originally Posted by Jumping Is Useless
actually not doing the bonus makes the mission alot easier because less murssat will come.
One skill I found usefull throughout most of that mission was Ward of Stability. God, I love that skill! That way when you have 3+ Stone Summit Herders who think it's REAL fun to stagger their giant stomps you can just stand in the ward and laugh at them.