No Support @ GW?

Killed u man

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2006


Does anyone know where u can decently post suggstions, which u're sure Anet's reads 'em? Cuz I've wanted to suggest for a LONG time some skill balances, which imo Anet really isn't working hard on, and a fix to the LS/LDoA title. (So U can get em both on 1 character, like u SHOULD be able to do, otherwise it makes the purpose of showing ure titles off useless...)

So, anyone knows if u have to post suggestion, indirect, on a fansite, like this one, and hope Anet reads them, or does Anet actually do care what their buyers, who payed money for their game, think?

Ty for reading,




Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


This site has a section called Sardelac Sanatarium for posts concerning ideas to change the game.

We also have the Campfire (PvE) and Gladiator's Arena (PvP) with skill discussion sub-forums.

And ANet does read posts on this and other fan sites. They do tend to pay more attention to well-thoughout and well-written suggestions, rather than ones that start "OMG, this sucks big time".



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Delaware, USA

Error Seven Operators [Call]


If ArenaNet accepted direct suggestion emails, their servers would explode with the sheer number of them.

Your best bet is to post on these and other forums. Despite what you may think, ArenaNet dev team members read the threads over in Sardelac Sanitarium on a daily basis, and bring up for discussion the ones they think may have merit.

It's just that a lot of the posts over in Sardelac don't have merit.

Just one thing about your post before I head off...

Originally Posted by Killed u man
or does Anet actually do care what their buyers, who payed money for their game, think?
Yes, they do care, but buying the game doesn't entitle you to anything except access to the game they make and change. Think of it this way. You could buy an offline game and realize that you think it could've been a heck of a lot better if half of it was changed. Just because you paid $50 doesn't mean the game company has to even consider remaking the game with those changes. The money goes to your ability to play the game that the company made, and in the case of an online game, the game that the company changes.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


Originally Posted by Killed u man
Cuz I've wanted to suggest for a LONG time some skill balances, which imo Anet really isn't working hard on, and a fix to the LS/LDoA title. (So U can get em both on 1 character, like u SHOULD be able to do, otherwise it makes the purpose of showing ure titles off useless...)
I'm curious how it makes it useless, IMO, LS is just a title that says you can push alt-f4 (or f12) faster than the mobs can kill you. Now, that's just my opinion, but generally speaking, there are very few true Legendary Survivors in the game, that actually earned the title without quiting out at the first sign of danger to their precious title.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2006


Clan Of Elders


Originally Posted by dargon
I'm curious how it makes it useless, IMO, LS is just a title that says you can push alt-f4 (or f12) faster than the mobs can kill you. Now, that's just my opinion, but generally speaking, there are very few true Legendary Survivors in the game, that actually earned the title without quiting out at the first sign of danger to their precious title.
He's saying that you can't get both Leg. Survivor and Leg. Defender of Ascalon titles because the only way to get LDoA is to death level (let monsters kill you so the monsters level up and then you kill them to get more exp.).

I doubt they will ever change this and I think those asking for the change don't understand how LDoA came about. This is a reletively new title that got put in because Anet found out that there were people in pre-searing that were getting to level 20. They actually reenabled deathleveling in pre-searing just so that people could do it. I think they were impressed by the ingenuity and patience of the players who were trying to do this.

So the chance of them changing this is pretty small. Basically, they would have to put in a hard rez in presearing. But given that it was put in to reward those who were death leveling, I don't see them making a change that would allow people to get the title with out deathleveling themselves.