I know the title sounds weird but it makes sense once I explain it.
I invited a friend to the guild and he accepted. However, he didn't show on the guild listing. So I tried to add him again but it says he's already a member and can't be invited. He doesn't have the cape or tag on his name and he can't see guild chat. Seems to have bugged out somehow. Has anyone come across this and how did you fix it?
Is there another way to kick a guild member without clicking on the icon next to their name (/kick membername??)? Really wierd this. I will contact Anet but wanted to see if there was a easy fix b4 I do.
Thanks in advance.
Guild member added but not ...
I've had that happen to me when I invited a new guildie before, it usually works itself out with relogging.
On top of that, at the time I had the harmless/crazy bug where my wrong character was showing as online on the roster--the guy didn't believe me right away that I was the leader lol.
On top of that, at the time I had the harmless/crazy bug where my wrong character was showing as online on the roster--the guy didn't believe me right away that I was the leader lol.