Factions to Prophecies


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

sunne of pheonix


I've a guildmate with an issue, so hopefully you can help. He has purchased prophecies and wants to bring his azn over. I have used search and found the quest "Chaos in Kryta". But for some reason Guardsman Chienpo is not giving him the quest. Now the guildie has assured me he merged the accts. So, I guess my question is..Does the character have to be a certain level in order for this quest to appear? Wiki does not answer that for me.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Tucson, AZ

The Black Hand Gang [BHG] and The Black Helm Gang [BHeG]

No, you do not have to be a certain level, you only have to get to the NPC to get the quest.

My guess is the same as yours, that he did not add the access code to his Factions account, instead simply made a new Proph one thinking he was merging them correctly.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005



I acctualy had that problem a while ago, with my warrior. It got fixed after i relogged tho


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Gaming Continuum [GCon]


Did he possibly put in the wrong code? Maybe he used a free trial code instead.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


One quick way to test of the accounts are merged would be to try to create a new RP character. If you can create a new Prophecies toon in the account, then it is merged correctly and he will need to contact Anet support to find out why the NPC is not acting correctly. If he can't create a new toon, he has a bigger problem because he didn't merge them. If that os the case, he will need to throw himself on the mercy of Anet and hope they let him delete the new Prop acct and merge it (but tell him not to hold his breath).


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

sunne of pheonix


Thanks everyone for your replies. I will pass it along and see how it goes.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Dragging up an old thread (is this better than starting a new one?). Anyways, I have a low level elonian character in KC, Cantha at the moment i'm trying to get her to LA, Tyria. Every time I talk to Chienpo (by the docks) he doesn't give me the quest to get there. I haven't seen anything (either here or on wiki) that indicates a minimum level. Am I missing something?

I've also exited and restarted GW completely as suggested above. I have all 3 chapters (monk has protector Tyria); and I still have an active quest called welcome to cantha. Do i need to finish that first? Or do I need to be a certain level?

Thanks (sorry if this has been covered already; i just haven't found the right thread)_

EDIT...nm...quest isn't offered to Elonians...just figured it'd be an easier way to get to all 3 continents :P