Changing Account Territory
Adam of Tyria
I recently changed my account territory back to America for the last time. But what dissapoints me is that I want to do some massive FoW and DoA faming and chest runs. Is there anyway to change my account territory again?
Keeping it short... Nope TS!
Adam of Tyria
Theres absolutely NO WAY?
Originally Posted by Adam of Tyria
Theres absolutely NO WAY?
If yoiu were supposed to have access to FoW/UW 24/7 there wouldn't be a favour system.
Once you have used your last territory swap your then stuck at that territory. ANet provides you with 4 swap's - which is enough to swap back and forth twice and leave you in the territory that you started with... so if you have used that last swap, your stuck where you are unless you purchase a new account.
Anarion Silverhand
However, if you started out with 5 switches, Anet is willing to make 1 last permanent switch. Simply write support and they'll help you.