With last update <test event> i take a box of problems with GW like:
- i cant enter International Districts in HA, RA... < i see Loading screen i hear music, i cant enter/ move, nothing>
-i cant enter Guild Hall: Isle of fortitude < i see Loading.... >
-Loading time... take ages, or simply i recive "Unable to connect".
Hmm i see, that many ppl's got problems with last update. ANet screw something up?
Many 007/ dc/ game crash...
Yes, myself and other guildies are having the same problem. For the last week everytime I try to leave Maatu Keep in Cantha I get a err 7, plus a few random crashes in various areas. Its starting to get very frustrating trying to play the game in these conditions.
OK, now i'am lost... Today, all my charrs, that i leave <i normaly leave my chars in gh> on GH, was automaticaly moved into HA. Internetional District works again... WERY slow, but works <probobly its only small trafitc, coz i dont see any update>, i can enter GH<1/2 attempts>, but reason is, that leader simply change GH into Isle Of Meditation < at last, that Isle of Fortitude looks so... bad>
I mail to Technicall support, we shall see what they say.
I mail to Technicall support, we shall see what they say.