New Armour?

Rikki Fin

Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007



Hi, i have just got to yaks bend and still only have my basic first armour, when should i fully/partially upgrade it and where?

Whispering Siren

Whispering Siren

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


Your next chance to upgrade to higher armor level would be Beetletun or Bergen Hot Springs in Kryta (the nice green area to the west of where you are now). Those two small towns have sets with different stats for whichever professions.

Cassandra Tanacel

Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Wolf Brotherhood


I would wait until reaching Lions Arch before upgrading your armor. That should see you through until the desert. Its also worth getting collectors armour if you can, saves on cash and is just as good. That way you can save your cash until you reach Droknars Forge where you can get the maximum defence armor in the Game

However, do you only have the prophicies chapter? If you have bought Factions and added it to your account, from Lions Arch you can visit Kaining Centre and get max armor from there.

I would seriously suggest visiting and searching on armor for your proffesion. It will show you all the different art sets, what is required to make it and where you can get them

One last word, if possible buy crafting supplies for armor via other players, rather than material traders as that will save you a packet. And don't forget that armor is customised for you, so buying armor from other people is not possible

Good Luck!




Join Date: Jul 2005

There is an armor crafter in Ascalon that offers the highest level armor you will find until you get to the Maguuma Jungle. Get that and you won't need anything else for a long time.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

With Prophecies only I:

- Purchase armor in Ascalon
- Upgrade it for free in the jungle from collectors
- Upgrade it for free in the desert from collectors
- Purchase armor in Droknar's Forge