Damage Log?


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Dirty Angels go to Hell [HELL]


I was wondering, is there a damage log that you can check in-game, or out of game, to see how much damage you or your teammates is dealing? The reason I was wondering is because I'd like to know how much damage Koss is dealing without having to send him into battle solo to build the adrenalin etc. In City of * (gasp I said it :P) they have a damage log that records how much damage X person is doing/healing, and I was just wondering if there was such a feature in this game, and if so where could I pull it up to check it? Thanks in advance for the info.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

North Poll

None of your buisness


That there is not.

Sounds like an interesting enough concept.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild, http://4guildwars.7.forumer.com

I for one would not want to see one, there is already way too much analysis happening and I'd hate to see comments about swapping skills for that extra .01/DPS kinda garbage.

Use the target dummies if you want to test something.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006

Analysis is good. Testing with data is good.
Testing with data gives us something to do while sitting at work.
*is glad his boss doesn't read many forums*

As for allowing things like this, I REALLY wish they would.
I mean I like the sound of some skills, but I want to see how they break out versus other similar sounding skills.
The other thing I really wish they had was an offline way of seeing who is online.
Aka checking your buddy list from a web page maybe even a status of your char, XP, skills, quests completed, titles, etc etc


Academy Page

Join Date: Oct 2006

Dirty Angels go to Hell [HELL]


Thanks for moving this to the correct spot moderators (I didn't know the site contained a specific Q&A forum). Also, thank you guys for answering my question.