Basic use of pet worth it?

Fril Estelin

Fril Estelin

So Serious...

Join Date: Jan 2007


Nerfs Are [WHAK]



I'm an E/r playing PvE, "r" not being in capital letter because I'm basically only using Charming Animal to have a pet with me (mainly for the fun and roleplaying, for the ele part I'm water with Glyph of Lesser Energy/Water attunement/Aura of Restoration/Armor of Mist + Ice spear/Frozen burst/Ice spikes). I was wondering whether using 1/8th of my skill bar for a lvl 20 melandru's stalker is really worth it in PvE. Do you think it's mostly dependent on Beast Mastery? Or the pet evolution? on the particular environment where I'm evolving? (or on what skill I would put instead of charm?)

Furthermore did you find that animal resurection skills (e.g. comfort animal) were worth it? Any idea, opinion, suggestion is greatly appreciated.




Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2006


bawls deep [pron]


in pve you can just kinda have fun if you want a pet have one....however it may not be the best build for all situations,experiment and find what you like,then do that and have fun.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

When I run with just heroes and henchies I typically have 4 pets along and 1-2 of the heroes having Revive Animal on their skill bar. The pets absorb some damage, block some enemies, provide corpses for an MM and otherwise are a help to the team, even with primarily left-over points in Beastmastery. The pets don't get rezzed until after a battle, Revive ramains disabled for me to choose when and where to use it.

When I run with guildies I only bring the pets when it makes sense to do so. Some missions don't lend themselves to them, some of the timed missions may be slowed down by them, Mursaat eat em up, etc. Two guildies with 8 pets can really steamroll though.

As a caster having your skill bar shut down by a pet death can be tough. All in all look at what you're doing and choose when to bring them. An enemy attacking a pet is pretty much wasting its time and you're not on the receiving end so that is a good thing.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2006


Black Widows of Death


Pets are good fun adding melee and remember there is power in numbers. The one thing to keep in mind since you are an Elementalist is that with low points in beast mastery you get a long blackout when your pet dies. Which in Basic PVE (questing/farming/running from town to town) is no problem, but it can be a major problem in Missions or Elite Areas/Underworld/FOW.