rumor has it
Alright, i've seen countless posts saying that there is a forth campaign coming out, but I haven't seen anything??? Does anybody really know anything about there being a fourth campaign, or is it all just rumors???
Of course there is a fourth campaign coming out. ArenaNet has to make money somehow, you know.
As an added note, I read somewhere that the release date was pushed back, but as I can't remember where I saw it, I won't claim it as fact.

As an added note, I read somewhere that the release date was pushed back, but as I can't remember where I saw it, I won't claim it as fact.
From what I have read awhile back (and I don't feel like thumbing through the various threads about the 4th chapter), is that there will be only 1 chapter that is released in 2007. I believe from what I remember on the top of my head is that it will be somewhere around August or so. Yes..that will break their "6 months commitment", but if they have a great reason, I'd be more than happy to wait a little longer for MORE and better content. I think the consensus agrees with that as well. What the 4th chapter is still a mystery.
All that Anet has confirmed is that chapter 4 is being worked on, we know no title (Utopia?), release date or other details.
ok then. i wonder if it will have any new classes/races???
Rumors abound as usual about the forthcoming chapter. NOTHING has been announced or confirmed by ArenaNet.
A Belgian-made interview video had an employee of a European firm stating that 4th chapter would not be released until August. ANet has stated they know who he is, end of story. I don't think you could call that a confirmation.
If they follow the previous release formula, they will announce a trial weekend that will take place about one month prior to retail release. That allows them to see what the players' devious minds can do with their neat and tidy game, so they can fix glaring problems before retail release.
New classes - very possible, but not definite
New races (I assume you mean playable) - probably not, but you never know.
A Belgian-made interview video had an employee of a European firm stating that 4th chapter would not be released until August. ANet has stated they know who he is, end of story. I don't think you could call that a confirmation.
If they follow the previous release formula, they will announce a trial weekend that will take place about one month prior to retail release. That allows them to see what the players' devious minds can do with their neat and tidy game, so they can fix glaring problems before retail release.
New classes - very possible, but not definite
New races (I assume you mean playable) - probably not, but you never know.
ALEX WEEKES stated in an earlier post that chapter 4 was well in development and on schedule.
Nightfall was on time like clockwork as was Factions and the end of April is GW second birthday.
i dont think they will miss that milestone event.
the delay rumor is a rumor until an official notice from Anet
Nightfall was on time like clockwork as was Factions and the end of April is GW second birthday.
i dont think they will miss that milestone event.
the delay rumor is a rumor until an official notice from Anet
Actually, they didnt say every 6 months, they said every 6-9 months. True fact, cant remember where I saw it but I can assure you all that its all over the internet. I would like them to take a year to do it with both teams(2 years of work by their development schedule), and add free major updates to the other campaigns. (Fixing of economy, hero dependancy, things to draw people back into other campaigns, making abaddon and shiro harder :P, giving Vabbi some more trees and grass (Which I think is absolutely necessary))
Arenanet, please, i mean please, I am litereraly BEGGING you guys, DON'T screw up on this one! The games were (and are) still great, but they have the potential to live up to the original image of what Prophecies, no Guild Wars, as it was called.
Arenanet, please, i mean please, I am litereraly BEGGING you guys, DON'T screw up on this one! The games were (and are) still great, but they have the potential to live up to the original image of what Prophecies, no Guild Wars, as it was called.
Yes, chapter 4 is in production. No, this forum is not for rumors or suggestions to Arenanet staff. Question answered, so closed.