Anybody else run into this issue? I have a high-level Prophecies account that I moved into Nightfall. One of the early quests in Nightfall gave me 4 Heroes and I got a bunch of equipment with them that went into my base inventory. Problem is, I can't drop this stuff. I can move the equipment from one hero to another (depending on class). I can swap this stuff out for better stuff (like low-level machete for Fiery Dragon) and I can equip some of it on my main character. But I can't drop it (Yes, I've tried this in the environment and not in town -- I know you can't drop it there). I can't salvage it and I can't sell it. I also am unable to move it into the storage chest. I'm talking about base level Tribal shield and swords and staffs and the like. Essentially, I got about 8 slots of my inventory taken up with this junk that I can't get out of my storage.
What gives?
Can't drop "Heroes" Equipment
Put it in the Bin in your inventory tab. Destroy It.
Have you tried getting rid of these items via the trash bin icon in your inventory?
I've just been dragging them to the waste bin in the inventory window.
Hero equipment is just odd like that. To dispose of them, drag them to the trash icon next to your bags in your inventory.
Don't listen to them! Just drag all that junk to the trash can on your inventory screen. *g*
A surprising amount of people don't know what that's for.
I didn't until I saw a friend do it :P
I didn't until I saw a friend do it :P
Thanks all. That cleared it up. Been playing for over 1.5 years and never used it, ha!