Stacking Degen?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Ok, I've never been able to discover if when my NECRO uses the blood magic skill LIFE SIPHON (-3 degen) followed by the Curses skill PARASIDIC BONDS (-1 degen), if they stack their effects. It almost seems as though they don't.

Anyone know the answer to this?

Smile Like Umean It

Smile Like Umean It

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jul 2006


Yes, they stack.
If you and one of your teammates were to use Life Siphon on the same target the second one would overwrite the first.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


Another note on stacking degen. Degen also stacks over the mximum. Let us say you use life siphon with conjure nightmare. That is a total of 11 degen. Only 10 pips will be applied to you however extra degen stacks against any regen. An example here. Let us say you have that 11 degen stacked on. They only have 10 affecting them. Now one of their team mates casts a regen effect on them that should add 7 regen pips. Instead of it being 10-7=3 it will be 11-7 =4 so they will still have 4 degen on them. The converse of this is also true. You can only have a max of 10 regen on you but any extra is stacked against any degen effects.