Plague on a Stick
Does anyone have a Prophecies Guide Book...from Prima of course
If so it says on pg.181 it has what you can salvage from certain weapons and shields. I kept looking through it and I noticed these weapons that are not in the game
Charr Axe, Greater Summit Axe,Titans Axe, Edron Hammer, Greater Summit Hammer, Canthan Blade/Machete/Saber/Shortsword, Crusader's Sword, Krytan Sword, Longclaw, Rekki Blade Sephis Sword, Shining Gladius, Wyvern Blade, Dwarven Cesta, Sacred Staff, Serpintine Wand, Wrathful Staff, Charr Shield, Militia Shield, Shield of the Dead, Skull Sheild, and Spider Shield...ok thats a lot.
I have Searched guildwiki to see if they are possibly given from collectors in ascalon and northern shiverpeaks are were just given unique names. As a result nothing was found in the search. Ive also looked in all the guildwars updates since the starting.
What has happened to these items...where they ever even in the game?
If you have any information please post it, im very confused.
If so it says on pg.181 it has what you can salvage from certain weapons and shields. I kept looking through it and I noticed these weapons that are not in the game
Charr Axe, Greater Summit Axe,Titans Axe, Edron Hammer, Greater Summit Hammer, Canthan Blade/Machete/Saber/Shortsword, Crusader's Sword, Krytan Sword, Longclaw, Rekki Blade Sephis Sword, Shining Gladius, Wyvern Blade, Dwarven Cesta, Sacred Staff, Serpintine Wand, Wrathful Staff, Charr Shield, Militia Shield, Shield of the Dead, Skull Sheild, and Spider Shield...ok thats a lot.
I have Searched guildwiki to see if they are possibly given from collectors in ascalon and northern shiverpeaks are were just given unique names. As a result nothing was found in the search. Ive also looked in all the guildwars updates since the starting.
What has happened to these items...where they ever even in the game?
If you have any information please post it, im very confused.
The Prima Guide was based on a beta version of Guild Wars. In other words, much of what the Prima Guide has to say is false. There is a [wiki]Skull Shield[/wiki] though.
Malice Black
Prima guides are pretty much useless.
Plushie Penguin
might as well light it on fire, it's outdated, based on beta[as said before], and most 3rd party guides are usually bad in general

Star Naiad
Isn’t Wiki the best up to date guide out there?
Yes, but if you're going to print wiki...GL.
Due to a lot of updates since the original Guild Wars came out a lot of the weapons that you list are not in the game anymore. But some of the uitems that you have listed are still here. The Machete for example is still here but in NightFall, not sure if it is available anywhere else. I think the Shield of the dead was changed to teh Eternal Shield but not positive as I have an Eternal Shield and its stats are the same as the Shield of The Deads was. The others I am not sure if they even made it past the Beta stages.
Mega Mouse
Mega Mouse
Plague on a Stick
Ahhh...i c now, why would prima make a guide during beta? Well thankyou i understand now. I guess in betta you could expert salvage ectos from glittering dust lol...following the guide
No printed guide could possibly keep up with the changes in Guild Wars. The publisher would have to produce it loose-leaf notebook style and keep sending you update pages. It would be a huge notebook and probably cost more than all three chapters. I think the wiki is approaching 15,000 articles.
Originally Posted by Plague on a Stick
Ahhh...i c now, why would prima make a guide during beta? Well thankyou i understand now. I guess in betta you could expert salvage ectos from glittering dust lol...following the guide
In case of GW and its dynamic nature, no information holds for longer than 3 months, therefore they abandoned published game guides with NF entirely - they are simply completely outdated and wrong by the time you can buy them. - for all your needs
not all the info in the guides is useless.......I like having the guides in print in front of me when I am doing missions and stuff....easier than windowing back and forth to wiki or guru....also the chapter 1 one had maps that were pretty useful. It also has the sequences of quests and missions----if they had printed one up for chapter 3 tons of the questions asked here would never have been necessary! And when wiki was down you didnt have your online guide to use....I had my printed copy! Granted it doesnt have all the info, but the basics are there and when you are just looking for the route to travel on a mission who cares how out of date it is? I really wish the had done one for chapter 3 as I have had to window too many times to find things which I could have done by just looking at the computer screen and comparing it to a photo in a book.
Ah well, they decided not to print one, so be it; but I would have gotten it if they had.
Ah well, they decided not to print one, so be it; but I would have gotten it if they had.
Woah.. Sephis Sword sounds interesting..