Star Gazer
Originally Posted by MithranArkanere
And what about those who first knew the game in Nightfall or Factions?
It's not their fault they have not purchased the collector edition, they did not know about the game. |
Originally Posted by Buttermilk
Of course a lot of people want it, but it's meant to be special. Previous Collector's Editions are not being produced. I do have the Divine Aura, but before I bought my Collector's Edition last year I had, FYI, the same opinion. Making a v2 would be stupid. That means a v2 of Factions, Nightfall and future chapters, and that wouldn't keep the CE's special. People payed money for their Collector's Edition(s), perhaps even found one last CE at a store. So of course Collector's are meant to remain special. Now a lot of you are saying that you didn't had the chance to get a CE. I agree and it's unfair, but there's nothing to do about it. They are limited editions. Besides, Gaile Gray and Anet have already stated that they won't reproduce them. A CE is a CE, whether you've had the chance or not. |