PlayNC Store Question
Does anyone know if I can buy a factions reg code as a gift for someone from the PlayNC store? I'm scared that if I buy it from the store at it will bind it to my account.
Well, if you buy it from the in game store, it WILL bind it to your account. And it looks like the link you have there will also bind it to your account. I'd recommend buying the game from instead, and having it shipped to your buddy.
It's also cheaper if you buy it from amazon. 
Cheaper is good.
At least I am guessing it will be cheaper, since the other two are cheaper?
If you don't have his shipping address, you can always buy it, ship it to yourself, or buy anywhere local, open it, then email him the access code from the little sheet of paper thingie.

Cheaper is good.
At least I am guessing it will be cheaper, since the other two are cheaper?
If you don't have his shipping address, you can always buy it, ship it to yourself, or buy anywhere local, open it, then email him the access code from the little sheet of paper thingie.