How mnay Sunspear Promotion Points can I get by questing alone



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Cupertino, CA

We Are All Pretty {ugly}

I know that you can get about 860 from the primary quests, but if you include teh secondary quests, i'm sure its a lot more.

Thanks in advance.



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


I really can't say exactly. I mean, the idea is you take bounty as well from the scouts/priests by the resurrection shrines as you go along. If you really want to know how many you get I guess you can count them up on Guildwiki but if you were worried about not getting enough Sunspear Points for Sunspear General...don't. There are plenty to be had. I'm just speculating...why do you want to know this anyhow?




Join Date: Jan 2007

Drazach Thicket

Temple of Zhen Xianren [Sifu]

I'd be more concerned about getting from Sunspear Castellan to Spearmarshall... (and don't think I'm not wary of my own spelling there)



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006

Cupertino, CA

We Are All Pretty {ugly}

I just hit General, and was wondering what i needed to do to get to Castellan, since Spearmarshall is currently unreachable.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006

Athens, Hellas


I became Castellan by talking to all the priests in Vabbi. I explored all the territories in Vabbin and killed every mob, making sure that I have their bounty first.

I didn't have anyone with me, since exploring is very tedious and boring for people who are just there for support.

Hope it helps




Join Date: Jan 2007

Drazach Thicket

Temple of Zhen Xianren [Sifu]

Ah well.... I've paused the questing and missioning on that particular quest that requires rescuing Koss... (completed it but not accepted the reward, thus not got Koss back yet).

I plan on taking bounties until I get right to a few points off Castellan.... then going out for one last bounty binge, hopefully taking down everything in a rather large area..... and THEN accepting the quest reward and continuing with the main quest.

Will that be enough to get me to Spearmarshall?

I heard from someone else that they managed it by getting to castellan with bounties alone and then taking all the quests, but I've already taken a few of them and I'm playing a Canthan character.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


The only way to hit Spearmarshall (15,000 sunspear points) is to do well in the Domain of anguish, as you can only get upto about 8,000 if your really lucky with ressing enemies, but if i remember correctly, they stopped that when they dropped Domain of Anguish on us




Join Date: Jan 2007

Drazach Thicket

Temple of Zhen Xianren [Sifu]

...... So I guess we just wait on them to add the legitimate way to earn those extra points after achieving Castellan...

Its not that I'm too fussed about getting the Spearmarshall title itself.... but another maxed title is always worth having.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Originally Posted by SotiCoto
...... So I guess we just wait on them to add the legitimate way to earn those extra points after achieving Castellan...
Please reread my post! Domain of Anguish IS the way of finding the last of both your Sunspear and Lightbringer points!




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006


Old Married Gamers {OMG}


didn't think rezzed enemies gave Light bringer or Sunspear points anymore??



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Originally Posted by Coridan
didn't think rezzed enemies gave Light bringer or Sunspear points anymore??
No, as i said in my previous post, they stopped that as they added Gates of Anguish for all your title shenanigans

Father of Mir

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Legion of the Dark Continent


Originally Posted by Lonesamurai
No, as i said in my previous post, they stopped that as they added Gates of Anguish for all your title shenanigans
You sure about that? I thought it was only whispers informants added to DoA.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2006


Prid of Ankh Morpork [Prid]


The following is a summary of how many Sunspear/Lightbringer points are available in each region of Elona, from non-primary quests only.
Some of the quests require certain heros to be in your party, and some of the points are awarded from the [Difficulty: Master] quests.

Istan *Istan quests are only available to characters generated in Elona.

485 - 505 points available.
There are two instances of "choice" quests, where you must choose quest A OR quest B.
These are in:
Zehlon Reach: "A Peaceful Solution" taken from Kohanu (Rewards 5 points),or "A Loose Cannon" taken from Shaudok (No points).
Mehtani Keys: "Loyal 'til the End" (Reward 15 points) or "Money on the Side" (No points), both taken from Dzaga.


2420 points available.

Command Post: Dunkoro offers a choice between two quests, "Koss/Meloni Goes Recruiting", both of these quests offer 100 points as reward so it doesn't matter which one you choose.


There are no Sunspear promotion points available from non-primary quests in Vabbi.
There is however, 115 Lightbringer points available.

The Desolation

Just like Vabbi, no Sunspear points, but 50 lightbringer points can be achieved in The Desolation.

Realm of Torment

Once again there's no Sunspear points here, but an impressive 520 Lightbringer points up for grabs.

Domain of Anguish


All information in this guide was found on GuildWiki.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007


By my experience, you can reach the Castellan level just after killing the Drought (and perhaps even before that) without too much effort. Just complete all quests you can find and explore all areas (don't forget to always get all bounties you can from the priests) once before starting Maddok Crevice mission. And there you are.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Apr 2006

Cheltenham, Glos, UK

Wolf Pack Samurai [WPS]


Hmm, ok I'll double check this later, unless Gaile or Alex want to jump in here and give us a concrete answer