Orr Staffs
I did a search looking for where those nifty looking orr (earth) staffs like to drop. I haven't been able to find anything on them. So, if anyone has some information can you kindly send it my way? I'm just guessing they'd be around the kryta area or somewhere since it's an "orr" item. But I'm probably wrong and don't want to go looking around for something that doesn't drop there. Thanks a lot.
the last two that i have found were in the southern shiverpeaks. but i know that i have found a couple of them before that, just don't remember where.
They aren't actually "Orr" staves, people just call them that because they resemble the Scepter of Orr a bit. They drop pretty much anywhere.
Thanks a lot, I'll just keep looking
Heck, I even found one in Pre-searing (had presear lvl stats though of course).
I don't know how consistently certain chests drop certain items, but if your looking for somewhere to start, me and my friend for fun fought from war camp too beackons and in a shiverpeak chest just past the first worm cave, just south of beackons which was just on the hill there where the worms stop following you(if your running ) I got a jewel staff and my friend got a Orr earth one. Anyway hope you have luck finding afew
The Yoink
have gotten quite a few white, non-max ones from the hydras outside Augury Rock.... got a rare one from a dwarf in Sorrow's Furnace
The best place to get a max dmg or even a rare, you should visit those sand drakes more often.
I farmed them for a while and got this beauty, i did not put any mods on it yet.
I love this kind of staff too, because of the look
I farmed them for a while and got this beauty, i did not put any mods on it yet.
I love this kind of staff too, because of the look