Awsome Drops in Nightfall
<Sarcasm ON>
Yesterday I finished nightfall with my Assassin and I must say Im really impressed with the number of drops I got.
3 Yellow Items and about 10 Purple.
WOW, it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
<Sarcasm Off>
Ok seriously WTF 3 yellow items after all that.
Im a pretty casual player (I play a couple of hours a week) and the appeal of not having to play 100's of hours to get decent items is what I liked about Guildwars, but it appears that they have changed that and once again it is going to take 100's of hours to get decent items.
Who else is having the same problem?
Yesterday I finished nightfall with my Assassin and I must say Im really impressed with the number of drops I got.
3 Yellow Items and about 10 Purple.
WOW, it just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
<Sarcasm Off>
Ok seriously WTF 3 yellow items after all that.
Im a pretty casual player (I play a couple of hours a week) and the appeal of not having to play 100's of hours to get decent items is what I liked about Guildwars, but it appears that they have changed that and once again it is going to take 100's of hours to get decent items.
Who else is having the same problem?
**hint** open more chests, and take all the free treasures
Psuedo Halgoen
You must be unlucky, Nightfall has been the best chapter for green and gold drops out of all of the chapters for me.
No bitching here on my account.
No bitching here on my account.
Why people think they should vent about their bad luck on forums?
They have nothing better to do. You just got bad luck, bad drops..
and a bad mood...
Muk Utep
It could also depend on how you play. You're probably aware that having a larger party means less items, and Nightfall quickly allows/requires you to bring a full party of 8, whereas you can go through at least half of Prophecies with 4.
But in general, you can't really rely on mob drops for getting what you need or getting rich. Farm bosses, open chests or use some solo farming build, otherwise just accept that going through an area with a party of heroes and henchmen means you'll make just enough to keep yourself supplied with kits and skills.
But in general, you can't really rely on mob drops for getting what you need or getting rich. Farm bosses, open chests or use some solo farming build, otherwise just accept that going through an area with a party of heroes and henchmen means you'll make just enough to keep yourself supplied with kits and skills.
Originally Posted by Zazoo
Im a pretty casual player (I play a couple of hours a week) and the appeal of not having to play 100's of hours to get decent items is what I liked about Guildwars, but it appears that they have changed that and once again it is going to take 100's of hours to get decent items.
Gold items no longer carry any advantage except in price.
Originally Posted by Cacheelma
Why people think they should vent about their bad luck on forums?

To the person that recomended chests, I dont do chests since you dont get your money's worth out of them, so they end up being a money sink, making it even harder for me to get more skills.
Also keep in mind that im a casual player and dont play hundreds of hours, and therefore I dont have a lot of money.
As to the others that get decent drops.
Maybe it is just that character, ill try with my warrior and see how it goes but at this time Im scepticle about the drops.
Here's to hoping it improves.
Axe Addict
Check out the free chests that give you gold weapons and gold coins......
Originally Posted by Avarre
Evidently more of your hours should be spent to learning about the game. You can get max equipment as common blue/purple weapons, either as drops or as purchases from crafters/trades from collectors.
Gold items no longer carry any advantage except in price. |
So instead of spending time farming for items, I farm for other things so I can buy or purchase them.
Great compromise.
Also I was not saying I couldnt get good items, just that the number of decent drops I recieved in night fall were awful.
Evidently more of your hours should be spent to learning how to read.
Originally Posted by Axe Addict
Check out the free chests that give you gold weapons and gold coins......
Sorry dont know what these are, am I missing something.
There. Free treasure chests that don't require a key, and you're pretty much guaranteed gold drops among other lovely items. I'm a casual player too and have managed to save up quite a nice sum by selling the stuff I get from those chests.
There. Free treasure chests that don't require a key, and you're pretty much guaranteed gold drops among other lovely items. I'm a casual player too and have managed to save up quite a nice sum by selling the stuff I get from those chests.

Just wow. First, farming to get collectors items is MANY TIMES FASTER than farming up some gold to buy stuff that does the same amount of damage and is just gold and shiny. So farming collector items is quick and has no combat downside. Second, if you have Nightfall, check the forum about Nightfall and read the thread about Treasure Chests. There are locations for them on too.
Well, last time I checked, collector items weren't just decent, they're just as good as golds, so I don't know how you're claiming Avarre should learn to read seeing as how collector items can be easily obtained simply by beating the game and picking up the collectible items. So, since we've answered your question and you flamed Avarre for no reason, this thread is closed.
Originally Posted by Zazoo
...the appeal of not having to play 100's of hours to get decent items is what I liked about Guildwars...