I think this probably should go in the farming section.
So..I have been trying to get my Monk survivor. I have 1 and Im currently farming minotaurs to reach 2 and then 3 (because we all know how to count..)
I have been using Rampagers Insight Scrolls, and where-as normally the droprate of golds at Elona is poor, and those dropped are always high-req max with meh-mods or not-max low req, I seem to have had a lucky streak.
2 Black Dyes.
And these 2 wonderful hammers;
So I thought maybe the scrolls effect drop rates. However, my Elementalist ALSO seems to be getting a severely good run of Drops, and they don't seem to be decreasing in value at all.
Any thoughts?
Very strange farming drops...
I guess you're extremely lucky :/
I was just questing through Dejarin Estate with my ELE the other day. Had 3 heros and 2 hench, I had 2-3 dyes, 3 gold salavge armor, 2 or 3 purples, and a gold staff drop as well as several blue salvage armors. One of the golds had a bloodstained insignia and one had a monk superior. I thought that was pretty decent.
A few days before questing with my Warrior in Turai's with a full hero/hench party, I got a gold Req9 heket axe, lots of runes, and a nice gold Prism.
Just luck, though, more than anything.
A few days before questing with my Warrior in Turai's with a full hero/hench party, I got a gold Req9 heket axe, lots of runes, and a nice gold Prism.
Just luck, though, more than anything.