Simple Questions About Offensive Names


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Shortly after making a donation to one of the GM's towards those who were unable to enjoy the Wintersday festival in Taiwan due to earthquake, my account was banned for having an "offensive" name, "The Cheapest Hooker".

What is the absolute definition of "offensive" in which they would deem names as "offensive"? Using that definition, how is the name, "The Cheapest Hooker", constitute and meet the requirements of being "offensive"?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006


I lol'd at the name, I don't find it offensive at all.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

It offended someone and you'll have to change the name. If you don't like it, pick a decent name.

There are no printed rules or lists of inappropriate names. Some names you try may not be allowed to even create the character, some will slip through.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

The name is by no means derogatory to anyone but myself or offensive by any means and is not directed at anyone besides myself.

Kuldebar Valiturus

Kuldebar Valiturus

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Garden City, Idaho

The Order of Relumination (TOoR)


I was always curious why people made their names into "phrases". I mean, it seems prevalent in Guild Wars, but peeps feel the urge to name their shall I say?...umm, silly things.

-Stabs N Shadows

-Flip U A Bird



Ya, silly stuff.

Dammit, I want my game to be serious!




Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

It is a global game and so many factors come into play for what is appropriate or not as far as names go: language, culture, slang, history, religion, etc. I remember helping a guildie work through what we thought was a very normal name yet the way he wanted to spell it was just not allowed so he had to compromise and spell it a little different just to get past the character creation screen.

As far as "it only affects me" type arguments you are wrong, it affects anyone who reads your name and for the various reasons listed above (and more) names can be offensive.



Never Too Old

Join Date: Jul 2006

Rhode Island where there are no GW contests

Order of First


ArenaNet is the sole decision maker as to what names are allowed. Your problem is, due to your donation, you exposed your character's name to a game moderator, who decided it was offensive in total. He/She obviously did not consider the name humorous.

You only have two choices.

1. contact ANet and take their offer of a one-time name change.

2. say goodbye to that character, as ANet will delete it.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Sunny ol' Manchester

The Trumpet Blowers


I wasn't allowed to make a mesmer called Illusory Jewel. I still see nothing wrong with the name, I assume Anet wouldn't accept it as it had "Jew" in it which to me seems totally OTT. *shrug*


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

This defines it:

Character Name. In order to use the service, you must create a character and choose a name for your character to identify your character to other Members (your "Character Name"). You may not select as your Character Name the name of another person, or a name which violates any third party's trademark right, copyright, or other proprietary right, or which may mislead other players to believe you to be an employee of NC Interactive or its affiliated companies, or which NC Interactive deems at its sole discretion to be vulgar or otherwise offensive. NC Interactive reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to (1) delete or alter any Character Name or (2) terminate any license granted herein, for any reason whatsoever, including, without limitation, any suspected or actual infringement of any trademark or trade name right, copyright, or other proprietary right.

Cheapest hooker would fall under vulgar.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Save The Dragons


What i found funny was when i was making a guild i was going to make the name The Four HorseMen of the Apocalypse but it woulden't let me cuz part of the name was offensive and after doing a little testing i found it was saying HorseMen was considered offensive anybody know why that is?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

^horseMen? Take off the HOR and I think you'll find it


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Sunny ol' Manchester

The Trumpet Blowers


They should really be able to distinguish between whole words and offensive words *roll*. It kinda takes the fun out of it when you're not allowed a whole host of perfectly fine names because they're being over-zealous.

Shadow of Light

Shadow of Light

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006



While I find the name the OP used for his char rather mild (I hear worse in local chat), Anet has the power to make you change your name if they don't like it.

I do think it's a low blow for this to happen after an act of charity, however (in indeed the GM that banned you was the one you donated to, but we can't know).

I do hope it doesn't put you off being generous to others.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2006

Mancland, British Empire

My PVP only ranger char's name is Jimmy PotSmoker and his pet's name is I like balls. I better make a new pvp char :P



The 5th Celestial Boss

Join Date: Jul 2006

Inverness, Scotland

The Cult of Scaro [WHO]


Anet are pretty rediculous when it comes to this. I cannot have "Celestial Beaver" as a character name because Americans (sorry, guys, but seriously...) associate it with part of the female anatomy. I mean COME OFF IT. Considering I saw a guy wandering round called "The A--ehole" why can't I have "Celestial Beaver"?

Fril Estelin

Fril Estelin

So Serious...

Join Date: Jan 2007


Nerfs Are [WHAK]


Originally Posted by DarkCloudInc
The name is by no means derogatory to anyone but myself or offensive by any means and is not directed at anyone besides myself.

A name is not a private thing. You cannot simply say "I want it because I like it". A name tells "things" about you or your character, maybe not much more than "I'm a funny person" or "Laugh at this name" or "I can do that in this virtual world but I couldn't in the real one!", but still it is a point of connection between people in the virtual GW world.

Most importantly, it is seen by everyone. You may tell people "don't look at me if you feel my name offends you" but that's very unfriendly and almost selfish (and that is not a value we want to spread in GW, given problems with coops, PUGs and etc.). You may suggest to Anet to put "mature" labels, but that's a waste of time and money.

Simple rule of thumb: think about the perception of things, how would someone (a.k.a. anyone) think about this particular name? It takes 2 seconds (in average) to see how this name could offend. And it sounds more like a title showing...your sense of humor? (which I personnally don't think funny, but you're completely entitled to your views and I hope my message didn't offend you )




Join Date: Jan 2007

Drazach Thicket

Temple of Zhen Xianren [Sifu]

Ah well.... they haven't got me for my dodgiest character-name yet.... and hopefully they won't as I'm rather fond of her...

Ghost of Cot Death

It rather stemmed from an argument I had with my mother when I was a child. She was trying to convince me that despite the fact that Father Christmas wasn't real (and she admitted that), she still insisted that the Tooth Fairy was (though in retrospect she was probably trying to have a laugh at my expense)... and so rather sardonically I'd replied something along the lines of: "And I suppose there is a Car-Crash Fairy too... and a Ghost of Cot-Death!" .... And then I proceeded to take the ideas a bit further for the sake of amusement... and imagined the Ghost of Cot Death as a creepy phantom who axes babies to death while they sleep, and sprays their gore all over the walls with much laughter (I had a black sense of humour even when I was 7).

I was originally going to make her in GW true to form as a warrior with axe-mastery and her murky pondweed-coloured hair.... but instead I decided to make her a necromancer since in a sudden burst of realisation it seemed more appropriate.

Alex Weekes

Alex Weekes

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2005

Brighton, UK

Originally Posted by Darcy
2. say goodbye to that character, as ANet will delete it.
We do not delete characters. It will, however, remain permanently blocked until such time as either the player deletes it or requests the name be changed.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


On the nameing policy that NC-Soft has in place. Although we as players may find certian names funny in one region a person in anothe might fin that same name to be derogatory. So we realy need to think of a name that will not only satisify us but not offend anyone else (so far I have not been hit wih=th the dredded "change your characters anme or else" nerf bat). A name that I for example may not find offensive may offend someone from australia, and vice versa. As one of the other posters said some names may slip through the cracks until either a GM notices it or another player turns it in. Personaly I have only turned in about 3 names as beign totaly rude and vulgar, but I have seen several that I concidered funny that the person next to me may find offensive. In conclusion we all need to take a moment to think about our characters names and try to make it less offfensive to others. I know that we cannot please everyone, but if we can at least take others moral values into concideration, this game will be much more enjoyable for all.

Mega Mouse



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005


Wizardry Players Guild,

Personaly I have only turned in about 3 names as beign totaly rude and vulgar
I have reported one also and know that it was changed after a brief ban.

I have also not solicited a number of people I've met on forums with a guild invitation based upon their names as we strive for a family friendly environment within WPG, as much as possible.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2006

In a hot spot

United Vanguard [UV]


So I guess "Here comes Mr. Chubby" is out???

I see Celestial Beavers was totally inoccuous and a double much the better!

I have seen some really fun plays on words (current favorite is "Drakes on a Plain), but really the policy is there for one reason. This game is played by a wide range of people, but the majority of the people are probably high school age or younger. Typically in that age range you are dealing with a lot of potty humor. It is the natural evolution. If like me you are in your 30s, you tend to be a little more cleaver about things and your names have more of a purpose or a meaning.

Sometimes the bets thing is to change the Illusory Juul...or Jule...May be a different meaning that what you thought, but it sounds the same and now...people are wondering what a Juul is, or they see Jule and think it means power...

I think clever wins the day Celestial Beevur.

Griff Mon

Griff Mon

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

In the Elfen Forests of Washington State

Damage Radius


There are so many ways people can be offended.

Perhaps one of the silliest was some time ago someone was offended by the existence of the Dervish profession. Somehow it tied in to some cultural/ethnic thing with him and he went on and on about how the existence of this profession in the game was wrong.

Fril Estelin

Fril Estelin

So Serious...

Join Date: Jan 2007


Nerfs Are [WHAK]


Originally Posted by wynoski
Celestial Beavers point...humor...a little more cleaver
Is there some kind of message here?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005

Stoke, England

The Godless [GOD]


I wanted to call my pet tiger 'Bagpuss' after one of the greatest childrens TV characters ever. For some bizarre reason 'Bagpuss' is somehow an offensive name!

Now, how can that be when I see many people running around with blatently racist names?


Join Date: Dec 2005




Nor "Figaro"



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2006

Take A Ride On My Leet Train [Choo]

Originally Posted by Fril Estelin
Is there some kind of message here?
Yes, he is (they are?) plotting to destroy the Earth, but you have stopped him (them?).

There seems to be something wrong with two letter names, like G B.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


There are several names that i have tried for my pets but they get rejected by the game. And yet Fuzzy Balls (I was watching tennis when I came uo with it) made it through. I am not real sure how the game decides the names that are offensive, but like others in this forummhave said, I have seen some that could be concidered racist also. I relay do not care what another players name is, and I will admit that my morales can be concidered questionable by some. But I believe there is a certian line that should not be crossed and when it is then it should be reported. If we all believed this way then maybe there would not be any offensive names. But seeing as we all have different beliefs we realy need totake a good hard look at what we concider as non-offensive and try to look at it from someone else's perspective. Think of it this way: if your mom won't like it then it shouldn't be used.

Mega Mouse

Fril Estelin

Fril Estelin

So Serious...

Join Date: Jan 2007


Nerfs Are [WHAK]


The problems start when people start using object or idea names as people names. No one in the real world would think of names like "balls" or "hooker" to name their baby, would they? (laws prevent you to do that). Except when by coincidence a name is a noun in another language (e.g. the initial proposal for "euro", which is "ecu", meant "cow" in german and so had to be changed), names like Steve, Ahmed, Jiu or Estevio never cause problems. Of course in the virtual world rules are different. But if an MMORPG wasn't serious about offenses and abuses (and Anet are), the law would very probably intervene and remind people (managers and users) that this is not acceptable. And after all we all have our own "do not cross this line" that may be crossed by other people once we start crossing theirs. Let's not confuse fun and humour.

Kuldebar Valiturus

Kuldebar Valiturus

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Garden City, Idaho

The Order of Relumination (TOoR)


This is yet another reason Heroes and Henchies are superior to human players: they have decent and wholesome names!

But, seriously, I wish people would stop having so much "fun" choosing juvenile names for their characters and, perhaps, start channeling some of that "fun-loving nature" into playing the actual game.

I am sure that coming up with new ways to offend others and beating the name filter can be exciting in some fashion to certain people, but I view it as an often not so flattering glimpse of the personality behind the player's avatar.

Cleverness is in rare quantity these days. Many people seem to think themselves clever for the most uninspired achievements.

Truly, if such childish things can titillate the minds of such players, what else can one conclude about their other "qualities"? What drives people to turn everything in life into a joke?

Perhaps being cool or trying to be "clever" aren't as important as being honest, reliable and competent, especially when the former is done at the expense of the latter attributes.

Just, perhaps.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005


Ascending Phoenix [AP]


To the OP: Tell them you're Irish since a Hooker is a type of boat that originated in Galway or, failing that, a rugby player as it is the name of a postion on a team



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2006

delete this account


I suppose "Porky Pig" would be out too as it could offend Jews or Policemen... Or fat people

What is this world coming too. I thought the UK was bad banning certain nursery rhymes in school. Too many PC do gooders.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Delaware, USA

Error Seven Operators [Call]


Originally Posted by MrTickle
I suppose "Porky Pig" would be out too as it could offend Jews or Policemen... Or fat people

What is this world coming too. I thought the UK was bad banning certain nursery rhymes in school. Too many PC do gooders.
I heard "Baa Baa Black Sheep" was being changed to "Oink Oink Pink Pig" because it offended African Americans, but that's another story entirely.

On the issue of offensive names, as has been stated, it's Anet's decision (they're part of NC Interactive). If they consider a name vulgar or offensive they'll do something about it. Unfortunately, they have to do this to ensure sales (they wouldn't want people saying "You can make racist, sexist, etc. names on this game, don't buy it!").

The best solution is to put some thought into your names. For instance, my forum name came from a character name here in GW, and there's a very interesting story behind it. In July and August '05, air spike was a popular build for both GvG and HA. So I made my first air spiker, but couldn't think of a name. So I thought "Hmm, I'll modify some foreign language..." I went to BabelFish and had "Divine Lightning" translated into Spanish. The result was "Relámpago Divino." I thought "Relámpago" didn't sound enough like a name, so I changed it to "Relambrien." From then until December of last year, Relambrien has been my handle.

Of course, I was bored of being restricted by the large number of characters in my name, so I started looking for a new handle that represented my interests. I eventually decided on Cobalt. Why? Cobalt is a magnetic element, and I'm very interested in sciences, particulary those dealing with elements and magnetism. Score! Also, "cobalt blue" is a color commonly found in colored pencil packs, and blue is my favorite color. Score again! After that, I developed a list of second names to use, all relating to intelligence. The final list consisted of:

Cobalt Acuity
Cobalt Acumen
Cobalt Brilliance
Cobalt Cunning
Cobalt Erudition
Cobalt Insight
Cobalt Intuition
Cobalt Sagacity
Cobalt Trenchancy
Cobalt Wisdom

I've taken to using "C O B A L T" as my main PvP character name, however.

...I just realized I've probably been really off-topic for a while now. Anyway, the point is, put thought into your names and you won't have to worry about being reported ^^



rattus rattus

Join Date: Jan 2006

London, UK GMT??0 ??1hr DST

[GURU]GW [wiki]GW2


I have a problem with my sense of humour when it comes to names. All my current characters are Kedric somethingTwatter - Tyrian Wammo is Kedric Trolltwatter, Canthan Wammo is Kedric Yettitwatter, my perma-pre Ranger is Kedric Grawltwatter and so on.

Problem is the word "twat." It is in common usage in Northern parts of England as a verb, meaning "to smite/whack/murderise."

Unfortunately, it has other, less savoury meanings in other places - but there's no doubt as to it's connotation in my char names. The filter will no allow me to have Twattwatter however!

ps - my pets are called Rattwatter and, for B/P, Tombtwatter

Kuldebar Valiturus

Kuldebar Valiturus

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2006

Garden City, Idaho

The Order of Relumination (TOoR)


Originally Posted by Snograt
I have a problem with my sense of humour when it comes to names. All my current characters are Kedric somethingTwatter - Tyrian Wammo is Kedric Trolltwatter, Canthan Wammo is Kedric Yettitwatter, my perma-pre Ranger is Kedric Grawltwatter and so on.

Problem is the word "twat." It is in common usage in Northern parts of England as a verb, meaning "to smite/whack/murderise."

Unfortunately, it has other, less savoury meanings in other places - but there's no doubt as to it's connotation in my char names. The filter will no allow me to have Twattwatter however!

ps - my pets are called Rattwatter and, for B/P, Tombtwatter
/report Snogratwatter

Less savory, eh? You making some kinda off color joke? lol

Err, well we are living in a day and age where the fewest people know how to correctly use language while at the same time have the gall to be the most easily offended by it.

I have a few examples in mind, but I will refrain from giving them because it would appear I am singling out an ethnic group.

Language is much abused these days, in many ways. I am more concerned about the corruption of the meaning of words than I am about a few F-bombs or potty-talk.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2006

Sunny ol' Manchester

The Trumpet Blowers


Originally Posted by Snograt
Problem is the word "twat." It is in common usage in Northern parts of England as a verb, meaning "to smite/whack/murderise."
It doesn't just mean that... However, I'm far too polite to explain its other meaning on here!




Join Date: Feb 2006

Originally Posted by wynoski
current favorite is "Drakes on a Plain
Why thank you (though I gave that name to a guildmate for Christmas, and took "Drakes On The Plain" in it's place; however that doesn't change the fact that I was the original owner, which is something I am quite proud of).

More to the point, personally, I tend to avoid names that could offend others (essentially, anything you wouldn't want your three year old kids saying to their grandmothers), however I do believe, to an extent, that sometimes the review of reported names needs to be done in a more open-minded and less "WTF QUICK LOCK THE TOON BEFORE SOMEBODY ELSE GETS OFFENDED" way. For example, my current PvP alias, "Avatar of Godmode", is a reference to the amazing bonuses from the skill [wiki]Avatar of Melandru[/wiki]. Even with all of the humor that comes with the name (shouting "UP+DOWN+LEFT+RIGHT+B+A+START" in the middle of a GvG, or complaining that "wtf u beet my godmode hax how!?!?!" when I die), I know that eventually, someone could complain that, because my character name contains "God", I could potentially be reported and, with the way the current system seems to work, be forced to change my character name.

It's really rather sucky, and at times unbelievably stupid, but it's something everyone should expect, given the immature nature of some players and their desire to "get revenge" on others for PvP losses, "unfair" drops, etcetera.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

south mississippi

Warriors Of Melos WOM


Snograt has a very good point. Some words in one part of the world may mean something entirely different in another part of the world. So what happens is someone is going to be offended somewhere but if we can try to give a bit of thought into what we want to be known as online then maybe we as a whole will not be thought of as "perverts, nerds, Otaku, or other derogatory names" that are used for people that either have very different lifestyles or like to play online internet games. We realy need to change ourselves before we can expect others to do the same. I am not saying to go out and change every characters name that you have, just in the future put a ittle thought into what your name means for you and who you wnat to be known as. My online nickname actualy comes from my trucking days. Iwas given the handle Mega Mouse because I could fit a trailer in some of the most crazy spotts immaginable. And to this day it has been my first choice of names for all my on line characters

Mega Mouse