Am I the only one tired of getting out of space?
When the crafting material armor first came I taught it was a great idea. This saved many peoples inventory and some might not need a character only to carry around their other characters stuff anymore. Since the Storage Representatives are still in towns, why dont they make any new improvements to the storages? Im always out of space! I think they should make space for things people always carry around: Dyes, Scrolls, Weapon improvements and armors. We all carry it around and its taking place in our backpacks. If they dont improve the storages with upgrades, please make it in a larger size, or make the backpakcs larger... DO SOMETHING!
a thread for more storage space... how original... next time check for the 500 other threads like this one
Yes. You're the only person that's ever wanted more storage space.
If there's a 5th and 6th weapon slot, I would be using them too. Need place for different weapons.
My storage may be filled, but it does not interfere with my characters. This isn't really necessary for a lot of people.