Every time someone tries to invite my guild into an alliance...it says we are allready in one. But we're not!!!
Ive tried this with dozens of alliances, they all are getting the same error
This a bug?
Alliance Question
Agent Molder
Hmm i haven't heard of this. So it just says your already in an alliance? The only thing i could possibly think of is that your luxon or kurzick alligned and the people trying to invite you are the other, but i don't think it would give you that message.
Agent Molder
we were both kurzicks, i checked
Agent Molder
i cant invite other guilds into my alliance either
Agent Molder
Help, I need somebody,
Help, not just anybody,
Help, not just anybody,
Obviously there's a bug right now. No one here can do anything about it. Contact support to make sure they know.
Angel Lockwood
Agent Molder is one of my officers..He got banned for something?...But yes I have made sure we are both f the same faction.And it comes up that we are already in an alliance when we are clearly not...Very frustrating..