My question is "Staves or wands"?
This is a heated discussion in my mind so I decided to ask your opinions. It seems to me that ,(all other things being equal), staves deliver overall more than the combination of wand and offhand.
All other things being equal I mean that you compare similar characteristics. It seems to me that the best staff will beat the combination of a wand and an offhand. There could be maybe a couple of points in energy that a wand/offhand will be able to "beat" a staff but OVERALL it seems that a staff beats wand/offhand.
Where Wand/Offhand combination shines is in diversity. I believe that someone will choose a wand/offhand combination if he/she wants to have the ability of adapting more easily to the environment that he is facing, while staves are more rigid in their offered characteristics.
What I would like is your input as well. What is your opinion?
What do you usually carry with you? Staff or wand/offhand.
Thank you guys