Alliance Question
Cyon Vaan
If the leader of the guild owns the Factions campaign, can all of the other guild members travel to the guild halls of the other guilds in the alliance? Thanks!

for as as i know yes i did it once when i was a member and was surprised to see a different hall and people ive never seen in the guild roster before lol
Guild Halls are located on the Battle Isles, common ground for all in the game.
Open the Guild dialog, go to the Alliance Tab and double click on the guild you wish to visit.
Open the Guild dialog, go to the Alliance Tab and double click on the guild you wish to visit.
You don't have to own Factions to get the Factions-themed Guild Halls, or own Nightfall to get Nightfall-themed Guild Halls.
yah as dean said the halls are located at the battle isles, common ground for all the games, you'll also notice different looking maps in random battles
Originally Posted by Savio
You don't have to own Factions to get the Factions-themed Guild Halls, or own Nightfall to get Nightfall-themed Guild Halls.